A Vision to Transform Canada's Public Health System

Chief Public Health Officer's Report on the State of Public Health in Canada 2021

A message from Canada's Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO)

The COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest public health crisis we have faced in a century. It has tested health systems in Canada and around the world, but we can act now to ensure we are better prepared for the future.

Read the full message

Report summary

The annual report of the CPHO examines the state of public health in Canada. This year’s report describes the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and provides a blueprint to strengthen our public health system for all people in Canada.

Read the summary

Download the summary PDF

Annual report 2021

Full report

Examines the role of public health in Canada and the impacts of COVID-19 on our public health system. It also outlines a vision for a stronger and better equipped system for us all.

Read the full report
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The way forward

Outlines 4 priority action areas for Canadian public health system transformation so we are better prepared for current and future health challenges.

Read the way forward

Companion documents

What we heard

Summary of public health leader, practitioner, researcher and policy-maker discussions that helped inform the annual report.

Read the what we heard report
Download the what we heard report PDF

Research priorities

Proposes priority areas for future research to support public health system transformation in Canada.

Read the research priorities
Download the research priorities PDF

Independent reports

Four reports commissioned by the CPHO to inform her vision of public health renewal, developed independently by leading experts.

Read the independent reports

Additional resources

Statement from Dr. Theresa Tam on the release of the 2021 CPHO report

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