Help for ArriveCAN

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Using ArriveCAN

You can use the ArriveCAN website or the ArriveCAN mobile app to submit your travel information. Once you create your account, you can use the same email and password for both the website and the app. However, you must use the same platform to start and finish a submission. For example, you can't start a submission on the app and finish it on the website.

Accessibility notice

If you have accessibility needs, you should use the web version of ArriveCAN. The web version meets all Government of Canada accessibility and W3C WCAG 2.1 AA standards. It supports the use of assistive devices such as screen readers and magnifiers. Create an account or sign in to the web version of ArriveCAN.

ArriveCAN is also available as a mobile app, but the app isn't accessible to all persons with accessibility needs at this time. We're working to make the mobile app accessible as quickly as possible. If you're trying to sign in online to the web version of ArriveCAN, you may need to delete the mobile app.

If you're not able to use ArriveCAN due to accessibility needs, you won't be denied boarding or entry into Canada. People with accessibility needs or other special circumstances may be exempt from using ArriveCAN.

If you’re exempt from using ArriveCAN, be ready to show a Government of Canada official these items on arrival:

  • pre-entry test results
  • proof of vaccination (in English or French or a certified translation in English or French)
  • travel documents

Please also be ready to answer questions about your 14-day travel history. You must show that you have a suitable plan if you have to quarantine or isolate on arrival. Get help from a Government of Canada official if you tried, but couldn't submit your information online.

Exceptions to using ArriveCAN

All incoming travellers to Canada must use ArriveCAN to submit their information. In some limited exceptions, you can use an alternative to ArriveCAN. You can provide your information verbally at the border, or by completing a paper form if you fall into one of these categories:

Persons with accessibility needs

You’re unable to use the accessible web version of ArriveCAN or the mobile app because you have cognitive or physical impairments (based on the World Health Organization (WHO) definition of disability).

Inadequate infrastructure

You’re unable to use the web version of ArriveCAN or the mobile app because of country-based censorship, or lack of access to internet connectivity on a country level only.

A service disruption or a natural disaster

You’re unable to use the web version of ArriveCAN or the mobile app due to:

Asylum seekers

You’ve made a claim for refugee protection when entering Canada from the United States.

Resettled refugees

You’re entering as a refugee whose application was approved by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

The web version of ArriveCAN

Sign in to the web version of ArriveCAN to submit your information. You can access the site for free on any personal or public device, such as:

The web version of ArriveCAN doesn’t work on Internet Explorer. However, it works on recent versions of all other web browsers.

This version of ArriveCAN meets all Government of Canada accessibility and W3C WCAG 2.1 AA standards. It supports the use of assistive devices such as screen readers and magnifiers. If you have accessibility needs, you should use the web version of ArriveCAN.

Mobile app

Use the latest version of the free ArriveCAN app. It’s available from the Google Play Store and the App Store for iPhone.

To download, install or update the app, you'll need either:

You can use the app in airplane mode, but you'll need an internet connection to submit your information.

The ArriveCAN mobile app isn't accessible to all persons with accessibility issues at this time.

If you're not travelling with a smartphone or computer

Create an account, sign in to the web version of ArriveCAN, and submit your information up to 72 hours before you arrive in Canada. Take a screenshot or print your receipt and bring it with you when you travel. You can also sign in online from any computing device, like those found in libraries.

Changing the language of ArriveCAN

The ArriveCAN app is available in English, French and Spanish. The language of the app will default to the language of your device or operating system. For example, if your mobile device is set to English, ArriveCAN will display in English. To change the language to French, you must change the language of your device or operating system to French. If your mobile device is set to a language other than English, French or Spanish, the app will display in English.

Creating your ArriveCAN account

To create an ArriveCAN account, download the ArriveCAN app or sign in to the web version of ArriveCAN. It will ask you to:

  1. review the privacy notice
  2. select "Create an account" below the "Sign in" button
  3. enter your email address
  4. confirm your email address
  5. create a password
  6. enter the password again
  7. click "Submit"

ArriveCAN will send a 6-digit verification code to your email address. This code is valid for 24 hours. If it expires, request a new code to set up your account.

If you haven't received the code after a few minutes:

When you receive your code, enter it into ArriveCAN to finish creating your account. Your email address and password will work for both the ArriveCAN app and the ArriveCAN website.

It takes between 10 and 15 minutes to create your account and complete your first submission.

The ArriveCAN app also has optional travel document scanning technology. This makes it easier and faster to enter your travel document information. The following documents can be scanned:

This technology is only used to scan your travel document information. ArriveCAN doesn't keep an image of your travel document.

Saved traveller feature

The ‘saved traveller’ feature is optional for all travellers. It saves travel documents and proof of vaccination information in ArriveCAN for re-use on future trips. If you don’t use this feature, you ’ll need to enter this information for each ArriveCAN submission. You can add, edit or delete travellers at any time.

Once you’ve saved your travel information, ensure that you continue your submission until you obtain an ArriveCAN receipt.

Submission and receipt

After you successfully complete your ArriveCAN submission for regular (non-essential) travel, you'll get an ArriveCAN receipt:

Your receipt includes:

This receipt is proof that you've successfully completed your submission. It doesn't confirm that you're eligible to enter Canada or that you're exempt from any public health measures, including those for fully vaccinated travellers.

If you’ve already created a reusable ArriveCAN receipt without proof of vaccination and want to include your vaccine information, you must:

If you're a foreign national travelling for discretionary purposes, you must show your ArriveCAN receipt to the air carrier before boarding your flight to Canada.

You must show the following to a Canada border services officer upon entry:

Show your receipt by presenting any of the following:

Meaning of the letters on your receipt

You may see one or more letters beside your name on your receipt. This means that you may have to discuss one of the following with a Government official at the border:

  • (Q) your quarantine plan
  • (S) your symptom self-assessment
  • (A), (V) or (I) your vaccination status

To qualify for the fully vaccinated traveller exemption, you must have an (A), (V) or (I) next to your name. Ensure you have evidence of your proof of vaccination when you travel. It must include the type of vaccine(s) and the date(s) of your vaccinations. Be prepared to show it on arrival.

If there's no (A), (V) or (I) next to your name:

  • you aren't fully vaccinated according to Canada's requirements or
  • you didn't upload proof of vaccination

Updating your information

If you haven't entered Canada yet

If you've already submitted your information and have an ArriveCAN receipt, start over in ArriveCAN. ArriveCAN will clear your previous information.

If you've already entered Canada

To update your contact information or quarantine address after crossing the border, contact us.

A change in quarantine location should only happen in exceptional circumstances. Examples of exceptional circumstances include:

After you arrive in Canada

Requirement to quarantine

Everybody who enters Canada, unless otherwise exempt, must either:

  • quarantine for a minimum of 14 days or
  • isolate for 10 days

If the provincial or territorial quarantine rules in your area are different from the federal quarantine rules, follow the stricter rules.

If you leave Canada, and are returning within the same 14-day quarantine period, you won't be able to submit your information in ArriveCAN for your second entry. Contact us.

Providing a quarantine plan as a fully vaccinated traveller

Even if you're fully vaccinated, you still need a 14-day quarantine plan in case you:

  • develop symptoms
  • are exposed to another person who has symptoms
  • test positive or
  • don't meet the requirements for the fully vaccinated exemption

Enter an address and answer the quarantine plan questions about where you could go, if required.

If you develop COVID-19 signs and symptoms during your quarantine period

You must isolate for an additional 10 days if:

  • you develop any symptoms of COVID-19
  • a person you travelled with develops signs or symptoms of COVID-19
  • you test positive for COVID-19 during your quarantine period

Your isolation period starts:

  • the day your symptoms began
  • the day of your most recent exposure, or
  • the day you were tested, if you test positive

Follow the instructions of your local public health authority or Government of Canada official.

Once you report that you have symptoms, you no longer have to complete daily symptom self-assessments in ArriveCAN.

Calculation of your quarantine period

Your quarantine period begins on the day that you arrive in Canada. For example, if you arrive at 10:30 pm on Thursday, October 1, then Thursday is day 1 of your quarantine period. Your quarantine period would end 14 days later, on Wednesday, October 14 at 11:59 pm.

Confirming your arrival and daily reporting questions

On the day after you arrive in Canada (day 2 of your quarantine or isolation), you'll receive an email asking you to confirm your arrival at your quarantine or isolation location. The email has a link to ArriveCAN so that you can sign in and confirm. When you sign in, you'll also be asked to complete daily symptom self-assessments.

If you can't open a link in a notification email, copy and paste the link into a compatible web browser.

In the app, click either:

  • "Complete your daily check-in" or
  • the bell icon at the top right hand corner of the home screen

If you can't complete your check-in, ensure that you're on day 2 of your quarantine period. If you still can't complete it, contact us.

You'll receive daily notifications during your quarantine period. If you report that you have signs or symptoms of COVID-19, you'll no longer complete daily reporting in ArriveCAN.

If you qualified for the fully vaccinated traveller exemption

If you were selected for mandatory random testing on arrival to Canada, you may receive emails reminding you to submit your test. If you believe you're receiving notifications and/or emails in error, please contact us so that your situation can be resolved.

Inaccurate dates on your notifications

The dates on your notifications may not be accurate due to differences in time zones or arrival times. In this case, follow the instructions you received from the Canada border services officer upon entry, including those on the paper handout.

If you're unable to report in ArriveCAN, you must report by phone. Call 1-833-641-0343 each day to complete your reporting.

Day-8 testing

On day 9 of your quarantine, you will be asked if you:

  • completed your COVID-19 test on day 8 of your quarantine
  • sent your test to the lab

You'll receive daily follow-up questions if you indicate that you haven't completed your COVID-19 test or sent it to the lab. If you don't take the test and send it to the lab, law enforcement officers may visit you and issue a fine.

If you are exempt from having to take the day 8 test, answer 'no' to these questions.


Creating an account and passwords

Entering your email address

If you see a message to enter a valid email address when you're creating your account, make sure:

  • there are no spaces in your email address
  • your email address follows the correct format with an "@" sign
You forgot your password

If you forget your password, select "Reset password" or "Forgot Password?" below the sign in button. Make sure you enter the same email address you used to create your account. ArriveCAN will send instructions by email on how to reset your password.

You didn't receive the email
  • Make sure you're using the same email address you used to create your account
  • Make sure the email address is properly formatted
  • Check your spam, junk, and/or promotions folder in case the email went there

You must follow the instructions in the email within 24 hours of receiving it. If you miss this timeframe, open ArriveCAN and click "Reset password" or "Forgot Password?" to start over.

Password creation issues

Your new password must contain:

  • at least 1 upper case and letter
  • at least 1 lower case letter
  • at least 1 digit, and
  • at least 1 of the these symbols: ^ $ * . [ ] { } ( ) ? " ! @ # % & / \, > < ' : ; | _ ~ )
    • don't use any other symbols, including a space, = or +.
You didn't get your verification code

First, check your spam, junk, and/or promotions folder in case the email went there.

If you're using the app, make sure you have the most up-to-date version. Uninstall and reinstall the app to be sure, or click 'Update' in the Google Play or App Store.

If you didn't receive a verification code, and haven't left the "Verify your account" page in ArriveCAN, click "Resend code".

If you get an error message after entering your verification code:

  • Make sure that you didn't add any extra characters when you copied the 6-digit code from the email.
  • Start over: attempt to sign in to your account on the main screen with the email and password you created. Don't click "Create account".
  • You'll receive a pop up message saying that your account exists but hasn't been verified. Click "Send me a verification code".
  • Check your email for the 6-digit verification code. Input the code into ArriveCAN.
    • Check your spam, junk, and/ or promotions folders if you didn't receive the email.
    • Don't close the app while on the "Verify your account" screen. Doing so will mean you need to restart the process of resending the code.
  • After you enter your code, your account is registered. Use the same email and password to sign in to the app and ArriveCAN online.

If you still haven't received a verification code, create a new ArriveCAN account using a new email address.

General technical issues

ArriveCAN isn't working

If you're trying to sign into ArriveCAN online, note that ArriveCAN doesn't work on Internet Explorer. Use a newer browser such as Chrome, Edge, Safari, FireFox, etc.

If you're using the mobile app, make sure you have the most up-to-date version. Open the app store on your device and manually update the app. If that doesn't work, uninstall the app and reinstall it.

If that doesn't work, contact us. Include the following:

  • a screenshot of the issue, if possible
  • the model and type of phone you're using, and the app version

To find out which version of the app you have, find the version number (v#.#.#) in either of these locations:

  • below the sign-in box on the main sign-in screen
  • select the 3 horizontal lines on the top left of the ArriveCAN main screen
    • the version number is at the bottom left of the pop out screen
Advance CBSA Declaration isn't working

Making an Advance CBSA Declaration using ArriveCAN is currently only available to travellers who use ArriveCAN online (not the mobile app), and whose first point of arrival in Canada is the Vancouver International Airport.

You must confirm your passport information or Canadian permanent resident card information. The Advance CBSA Declaration does not support other types of travel documents.

You may contact us if you still have issues preparing your declaration.

Entering your travel information into ArriveCAN

Your proof of vaccination

If you're having trouble adding your proof of vaccination, visit Upload proof of vaccination in ArriveCAN. If you're still having issues, please contact us.

You're not required to upload proof of your COVID-19 booster vaccines in ArriveCAN unless it enables you to be qualified as fully vaccinated in Canada. For example, your first vaccine was not a Government of Canada approved vaccine, but your second vaccine and booster vaccine were.

Your travel date

You can only complete your submission if you're planning to arrive in Canada within the next 72 hours. Try using the calendar entry button to ensure the proper format.

If you still can't enter the date:

  • reload the web page or
  • delete, re-download and restart the mobile app
Your time of arrival

Enter the time using AM or PM, as ArriveCAN doesn't use 24-hour military time format. Double check that you've entered the correct time of day. For land entry, try to estimate your arrival time within a few hours.

Your airline and flight number information

Enter all the details of the flight that will bring you into Canada, as listed on your boarding pass.

The "Airline" field in ArriveCAN refers to the flight company or air carrier, such as:

  • Air Canada (AC)
  • Delta Airlines (DL)
  • WestJet (WS)
  • Air Transat (TS)

The "Flight Number" field in ArriveCAN must include the letters and numbers found on your boarding pass.

For example, if you are leaving from Spain, connecting in the UK without leaving the secure area of the airport, and flying to Toronto Pearson International Airport on Air Canada flight number 223, you would enter the following details in your ArriveCAN submission:

  • 'Spain' as the country of departure
  • 'Toronto Pearson International Airport' as the airport
  • 'Air Canada (AC)' as the airline
  • 'AC 223' as the flight number
Your airline isn't listed

If your airline isn't on the list of airlines, or if you're travelling by private aircraft or a small charter airline, select "Other" when using the mobile app. Then, type in your airline name. A default number will appear in the flight number field. If the default number doesn't appear, enter "PC0000" in the flight number field.

Travel document number

Make sure you're entering an official travel document. ArriveCAN accepts the following documents:

  • passport
  • birth certificate
  • FAST card (PASSID)
  • NEXUS card (PASSID)
  • permanent resident card
  • enhanced driver's license
  • U.S. permanent resident card
  • certificate of Indian status (CIS)
  • secure certificate of Indian status (SCIS)
  • U.S. passport card

If you're using a travel document and the number doesn't work:

  • enter the information without using auto-fill
  • make sure you've selected the correct travel document type
  • manually enter the number if you previously tried scanning your document in the app
You don't have a surname on your travel document

The "Surname" field on travel documents means the last name you were given at birth. If your travel documentation doesn't have a surname on it, write all names listed on your passport in the required field for your surname.

Phone number

If you're using a new area code, send us an email and we can manually enter your information.

If you're using a phone number from a country outside of North America, add "+" to the beginning of the phone number and the country code. If you're using the app and this doesn't work, try:

  • deleting the app from your device
    • this may cause information previously saved in the app to be lost
  • restarting your device
  • downloading the app again
  • reinstalling the app

Entering your quarantine plan information and quarantine location

You don't know which address to use for your quarantine location

Your quarantine location is where you'll quarantine, if required. Provide the full address of your quarantine location. You can't enter a US address. If you're submitting on behalf of other travellers, you must all stay at the same quarantine location.

You may use the address closest to your location if your place of quarantine doesn't have an address.

Travellers who are quarantining on a boat should enter the civic address for the private residence where the vessel is moored, or the nearest marina if the boat is anchored, sailing or cruising.

Finalizing your ArriveCAN submission

Confirming that your information has been submitted successfully

When you successfully complete your ArriveCAN submission, you'll receive a receipt with a 6 character receipt code. This is proof that you've successfully completed your submission.

You can view this receipt at any time by clicking on "ArriveCAN receipt" in the app or online.

If you're fully vaccinated and traveling for discretionary purposes

If you're a fully vaccinated foreign national traveling for discretionary purposes, you must show your receipt before boarding your flight to Canada. If you didn't receive an ArriveCAN receipt, visit fully vaccinated travellers entering Canada for more information.

Your ArriveCAN receipt

Your ArriveCAN receipt is required for travel. It shows that you've successfully completed your submission within ArriveCAN. Show it to a border services officer upon arrival.

The receipt doesn't validate or confirm your:

  • eligibility to enter Canada
  • exemptions from public health requirements
You can't print your receipt or don't have a printer

If you signed into ArriveCAN online, you'll be sent your ArriveCAN receipt by email. You can print or take a screenshot of your receipt, or show the email. You must show your receipt:

  • before boarding your flight, and
  • to the Canada border services officer upon entry

The "Print" button can be found at the bottom of the receipt.

If you don't have a printer, you can:

  • sign in to your ArriveCAN account at a public library or public space with access to the internet and access to printers
  • take a screenshot and save the photo to your phone
  • ask someone else to print or screenshot the receipt for you

Deleting the ArriveCAN app

If you used the ArriveCAN app to submit your information, you can delete it before your quarantine or isolation period is complete. To confirm you've arrived at your place of quarantine or isolation and completed your daily symptom reporting, you’ll need to sign in to the web version of ArriveCAN.

Deleting your ArriveCAN account

If you delete your ArriveCAN account, this will delete your sign in credentials (email and password) and you won't be able to login. After you delete your account, you can create a new account using the same email address.

Deleting your account won't delete personal information provided in ArriveCAN. This information will be retained by the Government of Canada for a minimum of two years since the last administrative action. Please refer to the ArriveCAN Privacy Notice for more details on how your information is used and disclosed.

How to delete your ArriveCAN account
  1. Click the settings tab in the right corner of the ArriveCAN main screen
  2. Select 'Delete Account' in the options menu
  3. Select 'Delete my account' when ArriveCAN asks 'Are you sure you want to delete your account?'
If you delete your account before entering Canada

If you delete your account after getting an ArriveCAN receipt but before entering Canada, the receipt associated with your account will be deleted. You must create a new account and submit your information in ArriveCAN to get a valid receipt to enter Canada.

If you or any of the travellers in your ArriveCAN submission are required to quarantine

If you or any of the travellers in your ArriveCAN submission are required to quarantine, you cannot delete your ArriveCAN account during your 14-day quarantine period.

Contact us

If you still have questions, contact us.

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