Download COVID Alert today

COVID Alert is Canada's free COVID-19 exposure notification app. It can alert you to possible exposures before you have symptoms.

Available for iOS and Android

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How it works

Watch the video on how COVID Alert works.

Random codes and exposures

When you're near someone else with the app, both phones exchange random codes every 5 minutes.

The app estimates how close app users are to one another by the strength of their Bluetooth signals.

The random codes change often and can’t be used to identify you.

An exposure is recorded if you’re within 2 metres of someone with COVID-19 for 15 minutes or longer.

Each day, your phone gets a list of the random codes of app users who have reported a diagnosis. This is only possible when connected to the internet.

If it finds a matching code on your phone, the app notifies you that you've been exposed. It explains what to do next.

How to get a one-time key

COVID Alert is only effective when:

The process to get a one-time key is different in each province and territory. If you test positive for COVID-19 and don’t receive one, ask your local public health unit how to get it.

The app uses this one-time key to alert other app users that they were exposed. App users can also enter information to help narrow down when they were likely most infectious. Those details tell the phone which random codes to upload and who to notify of a possible exposure.

Learn more about how to use the one-time key.

One-time key process by province or territory

Province or territory One-time key process


If you test positive for COVID-19, your local public health authority will give you a one-time key when they contact you. You can only get one key. It expires in 24 hours.

New Brunswick

If you test positive for COVID-19, your local public health authority will give you a one-time key when they contact you. You can only get one key. It expires in 24 hours.

Newfoundland and Labrador

If you test positive for COVID-19, your local public health authority will give you a one-time key when they contact you. You can only get one key. It expires in 24 hours.

Nova Scotia

If you test positive for COVID-19, your local public health authority will give you a one-time key when they contact you. You can only get one key. It expires in 24 hours.

Northwest Territories

If you test positive for COVID-19, your local public health authority will give you a one-time key when they contact you. You can only get one key. It expires in 24 hours.


If you test positive for COVID-19, you can get a one-time key directly from the eHealthOntario test results website. You may also call your local public health authority.

Prince Edward Island

If you test positive for COVID-19, your local public health authority will give you a one-time key when they contact you. You can only get one key. It expires in 24 hours.


If you test positive for COVID-19, you’ll get a call from your local public health authority. You then need to call 1-855-228-4253 and ask for a one-time key. Don’t call unless you've been contacted by your local public health authority about your positive test result. Your one-time key expires in 24 hours.


If you test positive for COVID-19, your local public health authority will give you a one-time key when they contact you. You can only get one key. It expires in 24 hours.

Download the app even if your province or territory isn't participating

If you live in a province or territory that isn't yet participating in COVID Alert, it's still helpful to download the app. It will notify you if you came in contact with someone from a participating province or territory who later tested positive for COVID-19.

Your privacy is protected

COVID Alert doesn't use GPS or track your location. It has no way of knowing:

Nobody will get any information about you or the time you were near them. Learn more about how COVID Alert protects your privacy.

Provinces and territories where you can report a diagnosis

Which province or territory you live in will determine:

Currently, the only places you’re unable to report a diagnoses are:

How many people are using COVID Alert

App usage in Canada

February 1, 2022

Number of downloads


Provinces and territories onboard


One-time keys used


A public health tool

Using COVID Alert for the duration of the outbreak is just one of the public health tools available to help limit the spread.

The app doesn’t replace medical advice or manual contact tracing by local public health authorities.

Continue to follow public health measures

COVID-19 vaccination

As more vaccines are given, some of the more restrictive public health measures can be lifted. Learn more about:

Posters and videos for understanding the app

Posters and handouts to print and share

Get help with COVID Alert

Check the COVID Alert help page for answers to common questions and issues.

Share your story

Did the app help you make informed choices for yourself or your family? We want to hear from you. Contact us with details about your experience.

Building the app in the open

Learn how COVID Alert is built by viewing the source code. Also find out who is advising us on meeting the highest standards in public health outcomes, technology and privacy.

Follow us on Twitter

Follow the Canadian Digital Service and Health Canada on twitter for updates about COVID Alert:

Contact us

Before you contact us, check the COVID Alert help page.

Phone: 1-833-784-4397

Teletypewriter (TTY): 1-800-465-7735


Available for iOS and Android

Download on the App Store

Get it on Google Play

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