Alphabetical list of Private Acts — Trust And Loan Companies

  • Acadia Loan Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 86

    • — 1900, c. 86, s. 18 amended, 1914, c. 127

    • — name changed to “The Mortgage Corporation of Nova Scotia”, 1914, c. 127

  • Alberta Permanent Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1915, c. 67

  • Anglo-Canadian Mortgage and Investment Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 105

  • Assets and Debenture Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 90

  • Atlas Loan Company

    • — incorporated, 1898, c. 92

    • — 1898, c. 92, ss. 2, 9 amended, 1899, c. 94

  • Beneficial Finance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “Personal Finance Company of Canada”, 1956, c. 67

  • British American Land Company

    • — powers, 1876, c. 56

  • British-American Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 67

  • British Canadian Loan and Investment Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1876, c. 57

    • — 1876, c. 57, ss. 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 19, 20, 22, 32 amended; ss. 54 to 58 added, 1877, c. 76

    • — 1876, c. 57, ss. 4, 20, 21, 32, 37 amended; ss. 59 to 64 added, 1887, c. 110

    • — winding-up, 1906, c. 65

  • British Empire Trust Company, Limited

    • — mortgage by Canadian Northern Quebec Railway Company, 1907, c. 73

    • — mortgage by Qu’Appelle, Long Lake and Saskatchewan Railroad and Steamboat Company, 1907, c. 121

  • British North-Western Mortgage Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 76

  • British Trust Company

    • — name changed from “Dominion Trust Company”, 1912, c. 70

    • — 1912, c. 70, s. 18 amended, 1914, c. 133

    • — 1912, c. 70, s. 18 amended; time extended, 1916, c. 54

  • British Western Loan Company

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 71

  • Brock Acceptance Company

    • — incorporated, 1962, c. 42

  • Canada Investment and Agency Company (Limited)

    • — name changed from “Lower Canada Investment and Agency Company (Limited)”, 1874, c. 99

    • — powers extended, 1897, c. 83

  • Canada Investment and Guarantee Agency

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 106

  • Canada Landed Credit Company

    • — powers extended, 1882, c. 110

  • Canada Land Investment Guarantee Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1875, c. 63

  • Canada North-west Land Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 88

    • — 1893, c. 88, ss. 4, 11, 15 amended; s. 21 added, 1903, c. 93

    • — 1893, c. 88, s. 8 amended, 1943-44, c. 36

    • — 1893, c. 88, ss. 2, 4 amended, 1963, c. 68

    • — 1893, c. 88, s. 22 added, 1968-69, c. 69

  • Canada Northwest Loan and Mortgage Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 85

  • Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 101

    • — 1899, c. 101, s. 6 amended, 1903, c. 94

    • — name changed to “Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation”, 1903, c. 94

  • Canada Permanent Building and Savings Society

    • — name changed to “Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Company”, 1874, c. 100

  • Canada Permanent Loan and Savings Company

    • — name changed from “Canada Permanent Building and Savings Society”, 1874, c. 100

    • — borrowing powers, 1886, c. 104

    • — 1886, c. 104, ss. 5, 7 repealed; powers extended, 1887, c. 108

  • Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation

    • — name changed from “Canada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage Corporation”, 1903, c. 94

    • — 1899, c. 101, ss. 5, 6, 14, 36 amended, 1913, c. 86

  • Canada Permanent Toronto General Trust Company

    • — amalgamation of Canada Permanent Trust Company and Toronto General Trusts Corporation under name of, 1960-61, c. 77

    • — name changed to “Canada Permanent Trust Company”; power to use English or French name, 1963, c. 69

  • Canada Permanent Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 87

    • — 1913, c. 87, s. 3 amended, 1947, c. 87

    • — amalgamation with Toronto General Trusts Corporation under name “Canada Permanent Toronto General Trust Company”, 1960-61, c. 77

  • Canada Permanent Trust Company

    • — name changed from “Canada Permanent Toronto General Trust Company”, 1963, c. 69

  • Canada Trust Company

    • — name changed from “General Trust Corporation of Canada”, 1899, c. 111

    • — directors; money on deposit, 1922, c. 67

    • — 1894, c. 115, s. 12 amended, 1968-69, c. 63

  • Canada West Loan Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 53

  • Canadian Acceptance Company

    • — incorporated, 1946, c. 82

  • Canadian Agency

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 132

  • Canadian Birkbeck Investment and Savings Company

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 103

    • — name changed to “The Canadian Mortgage Investment Company”, 1912, c. 73

  • Canadian Co-operative Credit Society Limited

    • — incorporated, 1952-53, c. 58

    • — Co-operative Credit Society of Manitoba Limited, eligibility for membership in, 1956-57, c. 43

  • Canadian General Trusts Company

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 92

  • Canadian Land and Investment Company, (Limited)

    • — borrowing powers, 1891, c. 119

  • Canadian Mortgage Investment Company

    • — name changed from “Canadian Birkbeck Investment and Savings Company”, 1912, c. 73

  • Canadian Savings and Loan Company of London, Canada

    • — amalgamation with the Huron and Erie Loan and Savings Company, 1906, c. 110

  • Canadian Securities Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1877, c. 79

    • — agreement with the Consolidated Bank of Canada, 1882, c. 65

  • Canadian Securities Company of Montreal

    • — incorporated, 1897, c. 84

  • Capital Trust Corporation, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1912, c. 81

  • Central and Nova Scotia Trust Company

    • — amalgamation with Eastern Canada Savings and Loan Company, 1974-75-76, c. 117

  • Central Canada Loan and Savings Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1898, c. 97

  • Central Finance Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1928, c. 77

    • — 1928, c. 77, s. 5 amended, 1929, c. 94

    • — name changed to “Household Finance Corporation of Canada”, 1939, c. 57

  • Central Trust Company of New York

    • — mortgage by Central Railway Company, 1888, c. 83

    • — mortgage by Algoma Central and Hudson Bay Railway Company, 1905, c. 53

    • — mortgage by Great Northern Railway of Canada, 1905, c. 99

    • — mortgage by Manitoulin and North Shore Railway Company, 1905, c. 120

  • Chartered Trust and Executor Company

    • — name changed from “The Title and Trust Company”, 1915, c. 70

    • — powers extended, 1919, c. 98

    • — 1905, c. 162, s. 3 amended, 1929, c. 75

    • — name changed to “Chartered Trust Company”, 1949, c. 29

  • Chartered Trust Company

    • — name changed from “Chartered Trust and Executor Company”, 1949, c. 29

    • — 1905, c. 162, s. 3 amendment, 1963, c. 70

  • City Home Mortgage and Savings Corporation

    • — name changed from “Gillespie Mortgage Corporation”, 1968-69, c. 64

  • Colonial Building and Investment Association

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 103

  • Colonial Investment and Loan Company

    • — incorporated, 1900, c. 95

    • — 1900, c. 95, s. 25 added; preference stock, 1920, c. 86

  • Community Finance Corporation

    • — name changed from “Industrial Loan and Finance Corporation”, 1951, c. 70

  • Consolidated Trusts Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1903, c. 110

  • Co-operative Trust Company of Canada

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1967-68, c. 49

  • Crédit Foncier du Bas Canada

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 102

    • — 1873, c. 102, s. 29 amended; powers extended, 1874, c. 97

  • Crédit Foncier of the Dominion of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1880-81, c. 59

  • Crédit Foncier Franco-Canadien

    • — powers extended, 1880-81, c. 58

    • — 1880-81, c. 58 repealed, 1883, c. 85

    • — 1883, c. 85 repealed, 1921, c. 80

  • De Nederlandsch-Amerikaansche Land Maatschappij (The Netherlands-American Land Company)

    • — powers extended to Canada, 1884, c. 102

  • Debenture and Securities Corporation of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1901, c. 94

  • Discount and Loan Corporation of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1932-33, c. 63

    • — 1932-33, c. 63, ss. 1, 5 amended, 1934, c. 68

    • — name changed to “Personal Finance Company of Canada”, 1944-45, c. 60

  • District Permanent Building Society of Montreal

    • — name changed to “Loan and Landed Credit Company”, 1872, c. 109

  • Dominion Building and Loan Association

    • — debenture stock; powers extended, 1897, c. 85

    • — name changed to “The Dominion Permanent Loan Company”, 1898, c. 101

  • Dominion Building Society

    • — name changed to “Dominion Mortgage Loan Company”, 1877, c. 80

  • Dominion of Canada Trusts Company

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 84

  • Dominion Lands Colonization Company (Limited)

    • — shares, 1886, c. 100

  • Dominion Mortgage Loan Company

    • — Dominion incorporation; name changed from “Dominion Building Society”, 1877, c. 80

  • Dominion Permanent Loan Company

    • — name changed from “Dominion Building and Loan Association”, 1898, c. 101

    • — powers extended, 1899, c. 109

  • Dominion Safe Deposit and Trusts Company (Limited)

    • — name changed from “Dominion Safe Deposit, Warehousing and Loan Company (Limited)”, 1897, c. 86

  • Dominion Safe Deposit, Warehousing and Loan Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1890, c. 100

    • — 1890, c. 100, s. 3 repealed; powers extended, 1897, c. 86

    • — name changed to “Dominion Safe Deposit and Trusts Company (Limited)”, 1897, c. 86

  • Dominion Savings and Investment Society

    • — sale to Huron and Erie Mortgage Corporation, 1923, c. 87

  • Dominion Trust Company (Toronto)

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 106

  • Dominion Trust Company

    • — name changed from the “Empire Trust Company”; Dominion incorporation, 1906, c. 87

    • — 1906, c. 87, s. 1 repealed, 1912, c. 70

    • — name changed to “British Trust Company”, 1912, c. 70

  • Dominion Trust Company (Vancouver)

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1912, c. 89

    • — 1912, c. 89, ss. 18, 19 added, 1913, c. 107

    • — distribution of assets and dividends, 1920, c. 88

  • Dyment Securities, Loan and Savings Company

    • — incorporated, 1902, c. 60

  • Eastern Canada Savings and Loan Company

    • — name changed from “The Eastern Canada Savings and Loan Company, Limited”, 1914, c. 137

    • — powers, 1930, c. 64

    • — amalgamation with Central and Nova Scotia Trust Company, 1974-75-76, c. 117

  • Eastern Canada Savings and Loan Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 113

    • — 1887, c. 113, s. 8 amended; s. 10 repealed, 1893, c. 83

    • — 1887, c. 113, ss. 5, 8, 11, 20 amended; powers extended, 1901, c. 96

    • — name changed to “The Eastern Canada Savings and Loan Company”, 1914, c. 137

  • Eastern Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1893, c. 84

    • — 1893, c. 84, s. 4 amended, 1899, c. 110

    • — 1893, c. 84, ss. 8, 11 amended; powers extended, 1908, c. 103

    • — 1893, c. 84, s. 9 amended, 1948, c. 88

    • — power to use English or French name, 1962-63, c. 24

  • Edmonton and Saskatchewan Land Company (Limited)

    • — sale of land, 1887, c. 117

  • Empire Trust Company

    • — name changed to “Dominion Trust Company”; powers extended, 1906, c. 87

  • England and Canada Mortgage Security Company

    • — incorporated, 1876, c. 58

  • Estates Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1930, c. 65

  • Evangeline Savings and Mortgage Company

    • — incorporated, 1964-65, c. 70

  • Export Finance Corporation of Canada, Ltd.

    • — incorporated, 1959, c. 74

  • Family Trust

    • — incorporated, 1923, c. 86

    • — name changed to “Financial Trust Company”; directors, 1929, c. 78

  • Farmers’ Loan and Savings Company

    • — name changed from “Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Loan and Savings Company”, 1874, c. 102

  • Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Loan and Savings Company

    • — name changed to “Farmers’ Loan and Savings Company”, 1874, c. 102

  • Federal Trust Company

    • — name changed from “Sovereign Trust Company”, 1910, c. 164

  • Fidelity Mortgage and Savings Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1963, c. 71

  • Financial Trust Company

    • — name changed from “Family Trust”, 1929, c. 78

  • Freehold Loan and Savings Company

    • — name changed from “Freehold Permanent Building Society of Toronto”; powers extended, 1873, c. 104

    • — borrowing powers, 1886, c. 103

    • — 1886, c. 103, s. 5 amended; powers extended, 1887, c. 111

    • — 1887, c. 111, s. 2 amended, 1887, c. 112

  • Freehold Permanent Building Society of Toronto

    • — name changed to “Freehold Loan and Savings Company”, 1873, c. 104

  • General Loan Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 117

  • General Mortgage Corporation of Canada

    • — name changed from “General Mortgage Service Corporation of Canada”, 1966-67, c. 118

  • General Mortgage Service Corporation of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1960-61, c. 78

    • — 1960-61, c. 78, ss. 1A, 1B, 9A-9E added, 1963, c. 72

    • — 1960-61, c. 78 amended, 1966-67, c. 118

    • — name changed to “General Mortgage Corporation of Canada”; power to use English or French name, 1966-67, c. 118

  • General Trust Corporation of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1894, c. 115

    • — 1894, c. 115, ss. 2, 10, 12 amended, 1899, c. 111

    • — name changed to “The Canada Trust Company”, 1899, c. 111

  • Gerand Acceptance Company

    • — incorporated, 1962, c. 43

  • Gillespie Mortgage Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1955, c. 70

    • — name changed to “City Home Mortgage and Savings Corporation”; power to use English or French name, 1968-69, c. 64

  • Glasgow Canadian Land and Trust Company, (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 105

  • Grange Trust (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 86

    • — winding-up, 1887, c. 116

  • Great West Permanent Loan Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 89

    • — 1909, c. 89, s. 9 amended, 1913, c. 125

  • Greymac Mortgage Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1962, c. 44

  • Guaranty Trust Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1925, c. 65

    • — 1925, c. 65, ss. 3, 4 amended, 1947, c. 90

    • — 1925, c. 65, s. 3 amended, 1949, c. 33

    • — 1925, c. 65, s. 3 amended; power to use English or French name, 1960-61, c. 79

  • Guardian Trust Corporation of Montreal

    • — incorporated, 1926-27, c. 92

  • Hamilton Provident and Loan Society

    • — capital stock, 1885, c. 30

    • — 1885, c. 30, ss. 2, 3 amended; powers extended, 1893, c. 85

    • — 1885, c. 30, s. 6 amended; s. 8 repealed, 1895, c. 85

    • — 1885, c. 30, s. 3 amended, 1911, c. 88

  • Home Savings and Loan Company (Limited)

    • — purchase of Toronto Savings Bank, 1879, c. 55

  • Household Finance Corporation of Canada

    • — name changed from “Central Finance Corporation”, 1939, c. 57

  • Hudson Bay Mortgage Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 92

  • Huron and Erie Loan and Savings Company

    • — powers, 1896, c. 49

    • — 1896, c. 49, s. 2 amended; powers extended, 1899, c. 115

    • — 1899, c. 115, s. 1 repealed; 1896, c. 49, s. 2 added, 1905, c. 105

    • — amalgamation with Canadian Savings and Loan Company of London, Canada, 1906, c. 110

    • — 1896, c. 49, s. 2 amended, 1913, c. 134

    • — name changed to “The Huron and Erie Mortgage Corporation”; capital; powers extended, 1915, c. 74

  • Huron and Erie Mortgage Corporation

    • — name changed from “The Huron and Erie Loan and Savings Company”, 1915, c. 74

    • — purchase of Dominion Savings and Investment Society, 1923, c. 87

    • — capital shares, 1955, c. 71

    • — 1955, c. 71, s. 3 amended, 1968-69, c. 65

  • Imperial Building, Savings and Investment Company

    • — name changed to “Imperial Loan and Investment Company”, 1875, c. 62

  • Imperial Guarantee and Loan Society

    • — incorporated, 1872, c. 107

  • Imperial Loan and Investment Company

    • — name changed from “Imperial Building, Savings and Investment Company”, 1875, c. 62

  • Imperial Loan and Investment Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1899, c. 116

    • — 1899, c. 116, s. 13 amended; amalgamation, 1904, c. 86

    • — 1899, c. 116, s. 2 amended, 1912, c. 103

  • Imperial Trusts Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1887, c. 115

    • — 1887, c. 115, ss. 3, 4, 5, 9 amended; preference stock, 1890, c. 101

    • — 1887, c. 115, ss. 8, 9 amended; 1890, c. 101, s. 4 amended, 1930, c. 67

  • Industrial Loan and Finance Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1930, c. 68

    • — name changed to “Community Finance Corporation”, 1951, c. 70

  • Intercolonial Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 139

  • International Loan Company

    • — incorporated, 1920, c. 91

    • — name changed to “International Savings and Mortgage Corporation”, 1960, c. 58

  • International Savings and Mortgage Corporation

    • — name changed from “International Loan Company”, 1960, c. 58

  • Interprovincial Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1956, c. 61

  • Investors Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1957-58, c. 41

  • Kinross Mortgage Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1963, c. 73

  • Land Security Company

    • — exchange of land with the Ontario and Quebec Railway Company, 1889, c. 74

  • Laurentide Finance Company

    • — incorporated, 1960, c. 59

  • League Savings and Mortgage Company

    • — incorporated, 1966-67, c. 119

  • Loan and Landed Credit Company

    • — name changed from “District Permanent Building Society of Montreal”, 1872, c. 109

  • London and Canadian Loan and Agency Company, Limited

    • — 27 V., c. 50, ss. 4, 6, 13, 16, 24 amended; ss. 7, 8, 9, 10, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 repealed; powers extended, 1872, c. 108

    • — powers extended, 1873, c. 107

    • — 1872, c. 108, s. 8 amended, 1876, c. 60

    • — 27 V., c. 50, s. 6 amended; shares, 1879, c. 75

    • — 1872, c. 108, s. 6 amended, 1889, c. 93

    • — debenture stock, 1891, c. 114

    • — capital stock, 1899, c. 117

  • London and Ontario Investment Company, (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1876, c. 62

    • — 1876, c. 62, ss. 4, 5, 21 amended; amalgamation, 1877, c. 78

    • — powers, 1883, c. 87

    • — application, 1886, c. 102

  • Lower Canada Investment and Agency Company (Limited)

    • — name changed to “The Canada Investment and Agency Company (Limited)”, 1874, c. 99

  • Manitoba and North-West Loan Company (Limited)

    • — name changed from “The Ottawa Loan and Investment Company”, 1879, c. 74

    • — 1874, c. 104, ss. 5, 7, 49 amended; s. 6 repealed, 1895, c. 86

    • — winding-up, 1901, c. 104

  • Marcil Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1915, c. 68

  • Maritime Savings and Loan Society

    • — incorporated, 1876, c. 66

  • McOuat Investments Limited

    • — notices in Canada Gazette deemed not to apply to, 1969-70, c. 76

  • Metropolitan Mortgage and Loan Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 151

  • Metropolitan Trust Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1921, c. 76

  • Middlesex Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 152

  • Montreal Building Association

    • — name changed to “The Montreal Investment and Building Company”; powers extended, 1878, c. 42

  • Montreal Credit Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1874, c. 98

  • Montreal Investment Association

    • — incorporated, 1873, c. 103

  • Montreal Investment and Building Company

    • — name changed from “Montreal Building Association”, 1878, c. 42

  • Montreal Trust Company of Canada

    • — corporation continued, 1988, c. 66

  • Mortgage Corporation of Nova Scotia

    • — name changed from “The Acadia Loan Corporation”, 1914, c. 127

  • Muttart Development Corporation Ltd.

    • — Dominion incorporation; name changed to “Muttart Mortgage Corporation”, 1962, c. 45

  • Muttart Mortgage Corporation

    • — name changed from “Muttart Development Corporation Ltd.”, 1962, c. 45

  • National Exchange Company

    • — incorporated, 1876, c. 67

  • National Investment Company of Canada, (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1876, c. 61

    • — 1876, c. 61, ss. 9, 10, 14 amended, 1877, c. 77

  • National Trust Company, Limited

    • — mortgage by Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company, 1905, c. 98

    • — mortgage by Canadian Northern Railway Company, 1907, c. 73

    • — mortgage by Qu’Appelle, Long Lake and Saskatchewan Rd. and Steamboat Company, 1907, c. 121

  • North Western Trusts Company

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 113

  • Northern Mortgage Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 137

  • Northern Trusts Company

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1923, c. 89

    • — 1923, c. 89, s. 3 amended, 1936, c. 56

  • Nova Scotia Permanent Benefit Building Society and Savings Fund

    • — powers extended, 1887, c. 114

    • — 1887, c. 114, s. 11 amended, 1893, c. 86

    • — 1887, c. 114, s. 3 repealed; ss. 4, 5, 11 amended; powers extended, 1904, c. 106

  • Nova Scotia Savings & Loan Company

    • — incorporated, 1964-65, c. 72

    • — 1964-65, c. 72, ss. 15 to 19 added, 1968-69, c. 66

  • Ontario Loan and Debenture Company

    • — borrowing powers, 1889, c. 94

    • — powers extended, 1894, c. 116

  • Ontario and Qu’Appelle Land Company (Limited)

    • — capital stock, 1887, c. 118

    • — shares, 1891, c. 120

    • — winding-up, 1903, c. 169

  • Ottawa Land and Security Company

    • — incorporated, 1895, c. 87

  • Ottawa Loan and Investment Company

    • — incorporated, 1874, c. 104

    • — 1874, c. 104, ss. 3, 9, 11, 12, 28, 38, 39, 42, 45, 48, 49, 51 amended; ss. 4, 5, 35 repealed; ss. 56 to 60 added, 1879, c. 74

    • —  name changed to “The Manitoba and North-West Loan Company (Limited)”, 1879, c. 74

  • Ottawa Valley Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1945, c. 53

  • Pacific and Eastern Mortgage Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 172

  • Personal Finance Company of Canada

    • — name changed from “The Discount and Loan Corporation of Canada”, 1944-45, c. 60

    • — 1932-33, c. 63, s. 3 amended, 1956, c. 67

    • — name changed to “Beneficial Finance Company of Canada”, 1956, c. 67

  • Personal Finance Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1934, c. 69

  • Pioneers’ Loan Company

    • — incorporated, 1910, c. 148

  • Prairie Provinces Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 121

  • Premier Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 179

    • — 1913, c. 179, s. 16 repealed; time extended, 1915, c. 69

    • — 1913, c. 179, s. 3 amended, 1937, c. 49

  • Provident Financial Association, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 151

  • Provincial Loan and Savings Company

    • — name changed from “The Provincial Permanent Building and Savings Society”, 1876, c. 65

  • Provincial Permanent Building and Savings Society

    • — name changed to “The Provincial Loan and Savings Company”, 1876, c. 65

  • Prudential Financial Society

    • — incorporated, 1907, c. 119

  • Prudential Trust Company, Limited

    • — incorporated, 1909, c. 124

    • — 1909, c. 124, s. 3 amended; shares, 1922, c. 71

    • — 1909, c. 124, s. 3 amended; capital stock, 1930, c. 70

    • — 1909, c. 124, s. 3 amended, 1934, c. 70

  • Qu’Appelle Land Company (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1882, c. 121

  • Railway Trust and Construction Company of Canada (Limited)

    • — incorporated, 1883, c. 75

    • — 1883, c. 75, s. 31 amended, 1883, c. 76

  • Real Estate Loan Company of Canada (Limited)

    • — sale to Scottish Canadian Land Mortgage Company (Limited), 1884, c. 101

    • — capital stock, 1913, c. 184

  • Real Estate Title Guarantee and Trust Company

    • — powers extended, 1904, c. 118

  • Rinker Finance Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1948, c. 89

  • Royal Trust Company

    • — powers extended, 1903, c. 185

    • — mortgage by Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company, 1905, c. 98

    • — mortgage by Cumberland Railway and Coal Company, 1908, c. 100

    • — trust indenture by Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Company, 1947, c. 81

  • Saskatchewan Land and Homestead Company (Limited)

    • — capital stock, 1886, c. 101

  • Scottish Canadian Land Mortgage Company (Limited)

    • — purchase of the Real Estate Loan Company of Canada (Limited), 1884, c. 101

    • — capital stock, 1913, c. 184

  • Scottish Canadian Loan Company

    • — incorporated, 1876, c. 59

  • Seaport Trusts Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1916, c. 55

  • Security Loan and Savings Company

    • — name changed from “The Security Permanent Building and Savings Society of St. Catherines”, 1876, c. 64

  • Security Permanent Building and Savings Society of St. Catherines

    • — name changed to “Security Loan and Savings Company”, 1876, c. 64

  • Settlers Savings and Mortgage Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1964-65, c. 73

  • Signature Loan and Finance Company

    • — incorporated, 1956, c. 69

  • Small Loan Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1934, c. 72

  • Société de Construction du Comté d’Hochelaga

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1878, c. 41

  • Société de Construction Mutuelle

    • — Dominion incorporation under name “Société de Prêts et Placements de Québec”, 1878, c. 34

  • Société de Construction St. Jacques

    • — incorporated, 1877, c. 81

  • Société Permanente de Construction du district d’Iberville

    • — capital stock, 1879, c. 76

  • Société de Prêts et Placements de Québec

    • — Dominion incorporation, 1878, c. 34

  • Sovereign Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 163

    • — name changed to “The Federal Trust Company”, 1910, c. 164

  • Standard Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1959, c. 70

    • — incorporated, 1963, c. 74

  • Standard Trusts Company

    • — powers extended, 1906, c. 165

  • Sterling Trusts Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1911, c. 144

    • — 1911, c. 144, s. 6 amended, 1914, c. 144

    • — 1911, c. 144, s. 3 amended, 1926-27, c. 94

  • Title and Mortgage Guarantee Company of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1889, c. 91

  • Title and Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1905, c. 162

    • — name changed to “Chartered Trust and Executor Company”, 1915, c. 70

  • Toronto General Trusts Corporation

    • — amalgamation with Canada Permanent Trust Company under name “Canada Permanent Toronto General Trust Company”, 1960-61, c. 77

  • Toronto and London Investment Company Ltd.

    • — name changed from “Trust and Loan Company of Canada”, 1951, c. 74

  • Trust Company of America

    • — incorporated, 1945, c. 49

  • Trust and Loan Company of Canada

    • — powers extended; debenture stock; loan to Government, 1882, c. 111

    • — 1882, c. 111 repealed; powers, 1910, c. 168

    • — 1910, c. 168, s. 13 amended, 1912, c. 158

    • — 1910, c. 168, ss. 10, 13 amended, 1920, c. 96

    • — 1910, c. 168, ss. 4, 13 amended; s. 5 added, 1936, c. 57

    • — capital reorganization, 1948, c. 91

    • — consolidation; 1910, c. 168 repealed; 1912, c. 158 repealed; 1920, c. 96 repealed; 1936, c. 57 repealed; 1948, c. 91 repealed, 1951, c. 74

    • — name changed to “Toronto and London Investment Company Ltd.”, 1951, c. 74

  • Union Loan and Savings Company

    • — name changed from “Union Permanent Building and Savings Society”, 1876, c. 63

  • Union Permanent Building and Savings Society

    • — name changed to “Union Loan and Savings Company”, 1876, c. 63

  • Union Trust Corporation of Canada

    • — incorporated, 1884, c. 100

  • United States Mortgage and Trust Company

    • — mortgage by Van Buren Bridge Company, 1915, c. 77

  • Victory Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1919, c. 103

  • Western Canada Loan and Savings Company

    • — name changed from “Western Canada Permanent Building and Savings Society”, 1874, c. 101

    • — borrowing powers, 1886, c. 105

    • — 1886, c. 105, s. 5 amended; s. 7 repealed; powers extended, 1887, c. 109

  • Western Canada Mortgage Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1913, c. 205

  • Western Canada Permanent Building and Savings Society

    • — name changed to “Western Canada Loan and Savings Company”, 1874, c. 101

  • Western Trust Company

    • — incorporated, 1906, c. 180

    • — preference stock; acquisition of certain companies, 1913, c. 206

  • World Mortgage Corporation

    • — incorporated, 1964-65, c. 74

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