Welcome to the Canadian Army


The Canadian Army is the land component of the Canadian Armed Forces and is its largest element. The Canadian Army produces soldiers who are well-trained, well-equipped, well-led and ready for operations at home and abroad. Our soldiers protect Canadians and their interests in a number of important ways. Find out more about the Canadian Army of today.


Army Social Media

Command Team Social Media

Services and information

Available jobs and recruiters near you.

Army bases and units across Canada

Mission, vision, role and footprint of the Canadian Army

What is a Reservist? Find a Reserve Unit near you.

Weapons, vehicles, other equipment and upgrades

Information on Army exercises and operations that take place in Canada and around the world.

Meet our national command team.

Core ideas and concepts that guide our soldiers and leaders.

Programs supported by the Canadian Army

Local and nation-wide support and resources.

The SkyHawks, Ceremonial Guard, Juno mascot and community engagement.

Our soldiers tell their stories

Learn about the history of the Army.

Find out more about these key community leaders who support our units.


Learn about sexual misconduct and how the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) is addressing it. 

Medical and mental health care, emergency contacts, support for you and your family

Explore MISSION:Ready to find the programs and services directly related to your concern or need.

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