Provincial and territorial restrictions

There are travel restrictions and exemptions when moving between or within some provinces and territories.

On this page

Travelling by plane or train between provinces/territories

If you’re 12 years of age plus four months, or older, you must be fully vaccinated in order to board:

Boarding flights, trains and cruise ships in Canada

Check the provincial or territorial requirements

Whether you drive, fly, or take the train, go to the province or territory website of your final destination for restrictions and quarantine requirements.

Entering Canada from another country

Some federal rules for quarantine and isolation after entering Canada are different from the provincial or territorial rules. In this case, you must follow the stricter rules.

For example, if you must isolate after testing positive on your arrival test, mandatory isolation is for 10 days, even if your province only requires 5 days of isolation.

Check and follow both the federal and any provincial or territorial restrictions and requirements before traveling.

  1. Find out if you can enter Canada
  2. Check the provincial or territorial website to see if they have further restrictions
  3. Meet all the entry requirements for your situation:

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