Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency

CanNor works with Northerners and Indigenous peoples, communities, businesses, organizations, other federal departments and other orders of government to help build diversified and dynamic economies that foster long-term sustainability and economic prosperity across the territories – Nunavut, Northwest Territories, and Yukon.

Services and information

Programs and services

CanNor's suite of economic development programs and services focuses on strengthening businesses, communities and Northerners.

Resource development

Supports for the sustainable development of territorial mining and energy sectors.

Business development

Tools supporting the growth and expansion of territorial businesses - training, advisory services, contribution programs.

Community development

Programs and services supporting growth of key economic areas e.g. mining, tourism, renewable energy, arts and culture.

Skills development

Programs and services supporting capacity and skills development to help Northerners succeed in the workforce.

Pan-Territorial Growth Strategy

CanNor's five year strategic plan highlights our key priorities to advance economic growth across the territories.

Canada's territories

Information about the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon, and details about supports for economic development.

Feature stories

Stories about individuals and businesses making a difference in the lives of Northerners and their communities.

Pilimmaksaivik (Federal Centre of Excellence for Inuit Employment in Nunavut)

Information and resources for Nunavut Inuit interested in or currently working for Government of Canada departments and agencies with Article 23 requirements under the Nunavut Agreement.



The Honourable Dan Vandal

Minister of Northern Affairs, Minister responsible for Prairies Economic Development Canada and Minister responsible for the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency

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