
Welcome to the CIRB


The Canada Industrial Relations Board continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation across the country, including the recommendations of governments and public health units. The health and safety of Board members, staff and stakeholders remain our primary focus.

Given the continuing uncertainty surrounding the transmission rate of variants of the virus, the Board will continue to schedule hearings and case management meetings on the presumption that they will be conducted by video or teleconference. If there is a substantive objection to proceeding in this manner, representations can be made to the panel assigned to hear the matter. If the Board determines that a matter must proceed by in-person hearing, the scheduling of that hearing may be delayed to a later time when it can be held safely.

The Board continues to operate remotely and to provide services and process matters as required. Board officers remain available to respond to questions, provide information and conduct mediations. As these are not normal circumstances, we appreciate your patience and collaboration.

All Board offices remain closed to the public. Please review the instructions for further guidance with respect to filings, meetings/mediations and hearings.

Updated on January 11, 2022

Welcome to the CIRB’s Website.

The Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) is an independent, representational, quasi-judicial tribunal responsible for the interpretation and administration of Part I (Industrial Relations) and certain provisions of Part II (Occupational Health and Safety) and Part III (Labour Standards) of the Canada Labour Code. The CIRB is also responsible for the interpretation and administration of Part II (Professional Relations) of the Status of the Artist Act and appeals under the Wage Earner Protection Program Act.

The Board’s mandate is to contribute to and promote a harmonious industrial relations climate in the federally regulated sector and contribute to health and safety and labour standards in the workplace through the impartial, effective and appropriate administration of the rules of conduct that govern employees, labour and management under the Canada Labour Code, the Status of the Artist Act and the Wage Earner Protection Program Act.

To fulfill its mandate, the CIRB provides a variety of dispute resolution services. It adjudicates matters where necessary, but it also focuses on providing mediation assistance at all stages of a proceeding to proactively seek a resolution of matters that best meets the needs of the parties. Through this approach, the CIRB supports labour and management as well as artists and producers in improving their workplace and professional relationships.

The purpose of this Website is to provide the public with general information about the CIRB its procedures and its services.

Since November 1, 2014, the CIRB obtains its support services from the Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada (ATSSC). The ATSSC was created to consolidate the provision of support services to eleven administrative tribunals—including the CIRB—into a single, integrated organization. This administrative change does not affect the independence of the CIRB; applications, complaints and Ministerial referrals will continue to be filed, managed and dealt with in accordance with the Canada Industrial Relations Board Regulations, 2012 or the Status of the Artist Act Procedural Regulations and the CIRB’s existing policies and procedures. You may continue to deal with the National and Regional Offices listed on the CIRB’s Contact Us page.