Environment and energy

Learn more about how Ontario protects and restores wildlife and the environment. Includes information on conservation and the electricity system.

Wildlife and nature

How we manage and protect plants, animals, land, water, forests and other ecosystems.


How to get a fishing licence, Outdoors Card, city fishing, camping on crown land, and eating Ontario fish.

Air quality

Find daily air quality index readings and the Smog Alert Network.


Information about Ontario’s forests, Crown timber resources and the forest sector.


How to get a hunting licence, Outdoors Card, trapping, falconry, and camping on crown land.

Power and electricity

Find programs to reduce your electricity bill

Learn about programs and credits to reduce your electricity bill.

Manage energy costs for your business

For large to small businesses, manage your energy costs through one of these programs.

Motor fuel prices

Get current pricing for unleaded gas, diesel, auto propane and other types of fuel.

How to use less electricity at home

Find out how you can reduce your electricity use – and costs – at home.

Ontario Energy Quarterly

Read quarterly snapshots about Ontario’s energy sector.

Energy partnerships

Encourages First Nation and Métis community participation in the development of renewable energy.


Drinking water

Ontario regulates drinking water systems to ensure water safety and quality.

Great Lakes and Watersheds

Read more about what actions we take with our partners to protect and restore the Great Lakes.

Industrial projects

Brownfields property redevelopment

Information on cleaning and repurposing former industrial or commercial properties.

Environmental assessments

Learn about the different types of environmental assessments you need to complete before starting an infrastructure or building project.

Environmental permissions

Find out about the different types of environmental permissions you or your business may need and how to apply for each.

Toxics and pesticides

Hazardous waste management

Rules and guidelines for managing hazardous and liquid industrial wastes and how to register as a generator by using the Hazardous Waste Information Network (HWIN).


Information about pesticide licenses, pesticides training, and classification of pesticides.


How we work to keep toxics away from the environment through legislation, education and incentive programs.


Environment maps

Maps that display environmental information about well records, sport fish, permits to take water and more.

Natural resources maps

Maps that display natural resources information about crown land use, conservation, wildlife management and more.

Contact us

Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry

Oversees Ontario’s mineral sector, promotes economic development in Northern Ontario and the resource sector, protects biodiversity and supports outdoor recreation.

Ministry of Energy

Working to develop a safe, reliable and affordable energy supply across the province.

Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Works to protect, restore and enhance the environment to ensure public health and environmental quality.

Updated: January 19, 2022