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Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs

The Department of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs (EIA) is the central administrative department of the government and provides leadership and management support to departments in their delivery of programs and services. EIA is also responsible for communicating the policies, objectives and accomplishments of the GN, within the government itself, to Nunavummiut, and to those outside the territory.

The deputy minister of Executive is the secretary to cabinet and provides advice and administrative support to cabinet under the direction of the Premier.

Bureau of Statistics


The GN’s New Inuit Employment Plans to 2023 - The Government of Nunavut (GN) continues to be committed to increasing the number of Inuit employees in the territorial public service to be representative of the people we serve in Nunavut and to meet our obligations under Article 23 of the Nunavut Agreement.

The Government of Nunavut’s Ottawa office

Conveniently located at 100 Sparks Street, the Government of Nunavut Ottawa office brings a piece of Nunavut to Parliament Hill, by serving as a base for the GN to work and advocate on behalf of Nunavummiut, in the nation’s capital.

Government officials use the office when attending to business in Ottawa. Space is also available for Nunavut organizations, if needed.

For inquiries, please contact:

Emily Tutanuak
Executive Services Coordinator
Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs
Government of Nunavut Ottawa liaison office
100 Sparks Street, Suite 500, Ottawa, ON K1P 5B7

Phone: 613-233-9890
Fax:    613-233-2543


Public Documents

Guiding Principles - Inuit have always lived in a harsh climate. Survival is only achieved by working together on life skills and principles for living. Over the past ten years, our government has been guided by Inuit societal values, including those outlined in Pinasuaqtavut. We will continue to be guided by these principles from now into the future.

2018-2019 Budget Address - This budget advances our government’s work to improve the lives of Nunavummiut and begins to deliver on priorities identified in Turaaqtavut. 

Arctic Northern Policy Framework
      Nunavut Vision
      Pan-Territorial Chapter
      Government of Canada framework

2016-2019 Government of Nunavut and Territorial Corporations Business Plan

We can achieve this vision by stepping forward together. We are here to help all Nunavummiut build the future that we both desire and deserve. In stepping forward together, we can secure a better future for us all.

Appointment, compensation and benefits
Deputy head employment and compensation terms
- The objective of these Deputy Head Employment and Compensation Terms is to provide equitable and understandable employment and compensation terms for Deputy Heads. The terms should be applied equally and still be capable of accommodating circumstances and requirements that may be unique to Nunavut and/or individual Deputy Heads. The terms should balance the public interest with the individual needs and security of the Deputy Head.
Confidential Disclosure Forms

Katujjiluta - Manifesting the courageous dream. 

Katujjiqatigiinniq Protocol - help guide shared Inuit-Government goals to benefit Nunavut Inuit.


Latest News

25 May 2022
Premier Akeeagok, has confirmed three changes at the senior level of management throughout the Government of Nunavut (GN).
13 May 2022
The Government of Nunavut (GN) is reviewing the Reconsideration Report and Recommendations regarding the Baffinland Phase 2 Development Proposal...
25 March 2022
Today, Nunavut Premier P.J. Akeeagok and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) President Aluki Kotierk signed a declaration to formalize the working...
11 May 2022
The Utility Rates Review Council (URRC) of Nunavut received a General Rate Application from Qulliq Energy Corporation (QEC) on March 24, 2022.
09 May 2022
As Chair of the Northern Premiers’ Forum, Premier Silver welcomed Premier Cochrane and Premier Akeeagok to the Yukon for their first inperson meeting...
09 May 2022
Today, Premier P.J. Akeeagok along with Yukon Premier Sandy Silver and Northwest Territories Premier Caroline Cochrane issued the first Pan-Northern...
25 April 2022
Today, Baker Lake Member of the Legislative Assembly, Craig Simailak was assigned his portfolios.
28 March 2022
– Today, Minister of Finance and Human Resources Adam Lightstone will be stepping aside from his portfolios effective immediately following the...
07 April 2022
Ending the Public Health Emergency on Covid-19 is an important milestone. I know that many Nunavummiut have looked forward to a time when it would be...
01 April 2022
Reliable infrastructure is key to building stronger communities.
01 April 2022
Nunavut’s Premier, P.J. Akeeagok, today released the following statement:
28 March 2022
Today, Minister of Community and Government Services David Joanasie responds to the loss of the NCC building due to a fire on March 26, 2022, which...

Latest Documents

13 March 2017
In August 2014, Premier Taptuna met with the other 12 Canadian premiers for the Council of the Federation.
21 February 2014

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