The Bee BC Program offers funding to enhance bee health throughout the province.

The provincial program supports small scale regional/community-based projects to research, explore, field-test and share information about best management practices associated with bee health in British Columbia.

The program will enhance bee health related activities and enhance information sharing amongst beekeepers. The Program is providing up to $7,000 of grant funding per project and it is expected that participants will contribute a minimum of 20 percent towards the total cost of the project, in-kind contributions are eligible.

The application window for the 2022-23 fiscal year is May 30, 2022 – June 30, 2022 at 16:30 PST.

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Program Overview

The Bee BC Program will enhance bee health throughout the province of British Columbia. Bee health is important, not only for the production of honey, but also for the contribution that bees make to the pollination of many crop species and to the wider environment.

The five-year $475,000 provincial program will support small scale regional/community-based projects to research, explore, field-test and share information about best management practices associated with bee health in British Columbia.

The program will enhance bee health related activities and enhance information sharing amongst beekeepers.

The program provides up to $7,000 of grant funding per project. For this intake, program funding is available to successful applicants from August 1, 2022 through February 28, 2023. Project activities outside this time frame will not be considered. It is expected that participants will contribute a minimum of 20 percent towards the total cost of the project, in-kind contributions are eligible.

Note: Beekeeping (having an apiary, owning, transporting bees or beehives) is a regulated activity under the Animal Health Act and there are registration requirements. See here for the Bee Regulations in the Animal Health Act.


Eligibility Criteria

The program assists regional or community-based beekeeping associations, beekeepers with permitted hives and First Nations to undertake small-scale or community-based projects that contribute to the overall health of bees in the province.

To be considered eligible for this Program, applicants must be:

  • Regional / community beekeeping associations or groups
  • Beekeepers with permitted hives
  • Groups of beekeepers with permitted hives
  • First Nations / Indigenous Peoples Organizations

Eligible activities include the research, exploration, field-testing, implementation and sharing of best practices and techniques to promote healthy bee colonies and the implementation of best management practices related to bee disease monitoring, response and treatment.
Note: both conventional and new/innovative bee health best management practices are eligible. Examples of eligible activities include:

  • The purchasing of a new piece of equipment and implementing it into your bee health strategy
  • Implementing a best management practice such as beehive equipment irradiation
  • Introducing pollen substitutes and/or supplements into your bee health strategy
  • Seeding and planting new bee forage that offers nectar and pollen.

Ineligible activities include projects that are not directly focused on bee health, or the regular or on-going maintenance of bee colonies. Examples of ineligible activities include:

  • Regular activities related to commercial honey production
  • Business development activities; defined as activities that are directed towards generating income during the life of the project / or after the project completion.
  • Marketing, promotional or market development activities
  • the purchase of standard equipment to maintain a bee colony

Eligible costs are those that are incurred for researching, exploring and/or field testing a conventional or new management strategy for bee health. Examples of eligible costs include:

  • Costs for new equipment, technology that enhance bee health
  • Transportation costs of beehive equipment for irradiation
  • Costs for pollen substitutes and/or supplements
  • Costs for seeding and planting of new bee forage

Communication materials, including social media, require the appropriate funding acknowledgements and approvals prior to the production of the communication material. If you have any questions about funding acknowledgements and approvals, please contact our Communications Team at 

The following activities and costs are not eligible for reimbursement. For clarification on items not listed below, please contact program staff.

  • Any cost not specifically required for the execution of a project
  • Normal costs of establishing or maintaining a bee colony or commercial honey operation, including costs associated with the purchasing of bees and costs associated with maintaining compliance with requirements of law that pertain to current business operations
  • Queen bee rearing as an income generating enterprise
  • Beekeeper and/or staff wages, salaries, benefits, stipends, etc.
  • Purchase of land, building and facilities
  • Lease of land, buildings and facilities
  • Financing charges, loan interest payments, bank fees, and charges
  • Any cost, including a tax that is eligible for a rebate, credit or refund (including a refundable portion of the Government Sales Tax)
  • Gifts and incentives
  • Permits and approvals
  • Legal fees
  • Costs incurred before the approval of the project or after the project completion date
  • Costs related to activities that directly influence or lobby any level of government

Application Details

Applicants must schedule project activities within the program funding cycle: August 2022 to February 2023. Applications are evaluated using a competitive process.

There is one annual application window. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. All applications received by the deadline will be collectively reviewed and evaluated based on merit. The deadlines for applications for the 2022 – 23 fiscal year are as follows:

  • Application Window: May 30, 2022 – June 30, 2022
  • Application Deadline: June 30, 2022 at 16:30 PST
  • Project Start Date: August 1, 2022

Applications will be evaluated using a competitive process. Please review the material in this guide, especially the evaluation criteria.

During the application window, IAF staff are available to answer any questions regarding eligible activities and costs. Please send any inquiries to

Applicants are encouraged to include only activities that they are confident will be completed on time and within budget limits.

After the application window has closed, the IAF team will meet to review applications and make funding decisions. Rest assured your application will be considered by knowledgeable industry peers.

Note: Only top scoring applications will receive funding and project funding is capped at $7,000 per project. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

Selection Criteria

  • Projects that clearly demonstrate alignment with the Bee BC Program objective
  • Projects with applicant cash contributions
  • Projects which include partnerships with local, regional or First Nations governments
  • Projects which engage youth

All submitted applications will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • Eligibility and alignment to program purpose and objectives (40%)
  • Strength of the project framework (40%)
  • Resources to execute the project effectively (20%)

Notifications & Obligations

If the project is approved, IAF will inform the applicant of the details of the decision and any associated terms and conditions. The applicant then enters into an agreement with IAF which outlines the obligations of each party.

Funding is application and project-specific and must be used for the approved project and related expenses. Funds are non-transferable.

Project activities requiring financial resources cannot commence until the contribution agreement has been signed by both the applicant and IAF.

Communication materials being funded by the program need to be pre-approved by the IAF communications team. Items not pre-approved by IAF Communications will not be funded.

Projects funded in the 2022 intake may begin on or after August 1, 2022 and must be completed by February 28, 2023. No extension to project terms beyond February 28, 2023 will be considered. If the project is not approved, the applicant will receive a written response from IAF.

Once the contract with IAF is in force, requests for changes to program activities must be made in writing to IAF. IAF must approve the changes for expenses to be deemed eligible.

The funding recipient may have opportunities or situations arise which make it difficult to proceed with a pre-approved project/activity. Should this happen, immediately contact your IAF program manager.

Program participants are required to submit a final report to IAF. A template for final reporting will be provided by IAF.

Program Timeline

Ready to Apply?

Application window: May 30, 2022 – June 30, 2022 at 16:30 PST

application form


Bee BC Program Guide

For a PDF version of the program details please download the Program Guide.

Note: All details are presented on this webpage


Have a Question?

Our team is here to support you, contact us today!

contact us

BC Bee Website

Interested in previous projects? Visit the Bee BC website for featured projects and more information on bee health in BC.

visit website

Funding provided by:

CAP Logo, Province of BC Logo, Government of Canada Logo

Please note: the Government of BC may, from time to time, give instructions to IAF in relation to the delivery and administration of this program. IAF must and will comply with those instructions.