Publish a notice in the Canada Gazette

Find the steps to publish a notice, what we need to process your request, how to send requests, and publishing rates.

On this page

Steps to publish a notice

Step 1: Complete sections 1, 2 and 3 of the form

Consult the publishing rates section for more information on which form to use.

If you are a federal department or agency: Request for insertion for federal departments and agencies .

If you are a non-federal client or Crown corporation: Request for insertion for non-federal clients.

Step 2: Save your request as a PDF and submit it by email

Click on the “Print” button at the bottom of the form after you have completed the required fields. Save the document as a PDF on your device.  

Submit your request by email to:

Secret classified notices: if you have a secret classified document to be published, send an email (without including the secret content) to

Step 3: Confirm contact information

The Canada Gazette Directorate will contact the person identified in the contact name of your request to confirm the details of your request.

Step 4: Invoicing

The Canada Gazette Directorate will send an invoice to the person identified in your request after your notice is published.

What we need to process your request

  • The completed Request for Insertion form
  • Your notice in Microsoft Word in English and in French
  • Images included in the notice must be in high-resolution and in a JPEG file format
  • Detailed descriptions in English and French for complex images such as maps, graphs and charts

Publishing rates effective April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023

Crown corporations, private sector and other levels of government

Crown corporations: organizations listed in Schedule III of the Financial Administration Act.

Private sector and other levels of government: entities that are not owned or operated by the Federal government.

These rates are based on a full page for Part I and Part II. Footnote 1

  • Part I: $432.44 per page plus applicable taxes
  • Part II: $131.23 per page plus applicable taxes

Use this form for insertion: Request for insertion for non-federal clients.

Other Government of Canada organizations

Other Government of Canada organizations: Government of Canada organizations that are not Crown corporations (Schedule III) and not listed in Schedule I, I.1 or II of the Financial Administration Act such as the House of Commons or the Senate.

These rates are based on a full page for Part I and Part II.Footnote 1

  • Part I : $380.80 per page
  • Part II : $149.52 per page

Use this form for insertion: Request for insertion for federal departments and agencies.

Federal departments and agencies

Organizations that are listed in Schedule I, I.1. or II of the Financial Administration Act
Categories One page Small
(2 to 15 pages)
(16 to 30 pages)
(31 and more pages)
Part I and II $323 $1,616 $5,819 $17,779

Late submissions and requests for cancellation of a notice for publication after the applicable deadlines are subject to approval by the Canada Gazette. Rush fees and cancellation fees may apply.

Use this form for insertion: Request for insertion for federal departments and agencies.


For billing and pricing questions, send an email to:

For questions or comments about our service, contact the Canada Gazette.

Related information

Deadlines and publishing schedule

Your feedback is important to us

Submit your feedback by email to or use the anonymous feedback form.

Our website is updated based on your feedback on a quarterly basis. When possible, we try to make changes as soon as we can. Some changes take time to assess and implement but we consider and review all suggestions.

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