Translation Bureau

The Translation Bureau is a federal institution within the Public Services and Procurement Canada portfolio. It supports the Government of Canada in its efforts to serve you and communicate with you in both official languages.


Guide on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Terminology

[2022-03-31]—Do you want to make the texts you write more inclusive? Find the information you need in the Guide on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Terminology!

Vocabulary on distance teaching and telework

[2021-08-06]—This Translation Bureau vocabulary, co-created with the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF), contains the bilingual terms and definitions for nearly 200 concepts in the fields of distance teaching and telework.

Services and information


Find the right word using the Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank, which contains millions of terms in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Resources of the Language Portal of Canada

Free writing tools, games, blog posts and Canadian linguistic resources to help you improve your English and French.


Learn all about the Translation Bureau’s new linguistic services request management solution, accessible to Translation Bureau clients and linguistic service suppliers.

Register for a developmental language training workshop

Register for various language development training workshops for translators, revisers, writers, communications professionals and administrative staff in or outside the federal public service.

Create your own language tools

Learn how to create your own spell-checker or terminology bank from TERMIUM Plus® open data.

Offering your linguistic services to the Translation Bureau

Learn how to offer your linguistic services to the Translation Bureau as a self-employed individual, freelancer or firm.

Translation Bureau's language services and tools (available on Government of Canada network only)

Learn about the linguistic services the Translation Bureau offers to employees of the federal public service, Parliament and Senate and how to obtain them.


If you work for a private company that has a contract with a federal department or agency, you are also entitled to use the Translation Bureau’s services. For more information, contact the Translation Bureau.

Organizational information


Resources of the Language Portal of Canada

Access a collection of Canadian resources on all aspects of English and French, including games and the Our Languages blog.

Writing tools

The Language Portal’s writing tools have a new look! Easy to consult, they give you access to a wealth of information that will help you write better in English and French.

Terminology glossaries and vocabularies

Access Translation Bureau glossaries and terminology vocabularies.

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