Treaties, agreements and negotiations

Canada is working with Indigenous partners in a spirit of reconciliation to renew relationships based on recognition of rights, respect, co-operation and partnership.


Treaties and agreements

Learn about historic and modern treaties in Canada, treaty rights and the treaty relationship.

Ongoing negotiations

Find out about land claims negotiations and other ongoing talks with partners to advance reconciliation across Canada.


Learn about Indigenous self-government in Canada.

Recognition of rights discussion tables

Learn how Canada is moving forward with Indigenous partners toward reconciliation through Recognition of rights discussion tables.

Duty to consult

Learn about the Government of Canada's duty to consult, and where appropriate, accommodate Indigenous groups.

Aboriginal and Treaty Rights Information System

Explore this web-based, geographic information system that locates Indigenous groups and displays related information.

Nation Rebuilding

Learn how to apply for capacity development funding to support the rebuilding of Indigenous nations.

Success stories

Find examples of how Indigenous communities are benefitting from negotiated agreements.

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