Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance

The Department of Justice, through the International Assistance Group (IAG), assists Canadian and foreign police and prosecutors by extraditing people to face prosecution or sentencing in the country in which they are charged or convicted. The IAG also assists these authorities in sharing evidence and providing other types of investigative assistance to advance Canadian and foreign criminal investigations and prosecutions. This is known as "mutual legal assistance".

Services and information

About the International Assistance Group

Crime has become an international problem that requires international solutions.

Extradition Requests to Canada

The Extradition Act provides Canada with the legal basis on which to extradite persons located in Canada, who are sought for extradition by one of Canada’s "extradition partners".

Extradition Requests by Canada

Canada may seek extradition from other countries under a bilateral treaty or a multilateral convention that contains provisions on extradition.

Mutual Legal Assistance Requests to Canada

The Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Act gives Canada the legal authority to obtain court orders on behalf of countries that are parties to mutual legal assistance agreements with Canada.

Mutual Legal Assistance Requests Made by Canada

Where assistance is sought from a country that is a party to a mutual legal assistance agreement with Canada, the individual agreement will set out the types of assistance that are available to Canada.



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