Funding for Other Levels of Government

The Department of Justice administers a number of programs that provide funding to provincial, territorial, and municipal governments. Each program is designed to help our partners meet specific challenges in support of our mandate, mission and values.

Services and information

Access to Justice Services Agreements

The Access to Justice Services Agreements (AJA) are funding arrangements between the federal government and Canada’s three territories (Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.)

Intensive Rehabilitative Custody and Supervision Program

In Canada, the federal and the provincial/territorial governments share joint responsibilities for youth justice.

Contraventions Act Fund

The Contraventions Act allows for the creation of a ticketing scheme for federal regulatory offences designated as contraventions as an alternative to the summary conviction procedure in the Criminal Code.

Integrated Market Enforcement Teams Reserve Fund

The purpose of the Integrated Market Enforcement Teams (IMET) is to effectively enforce the law against serious criminal capital market fraud offences in Canada, and ultimately to contribute to improved Canadian and international investor confidence in the integrity of Canada’s capital markets.

Legal Aid Program

The Legal Aid Program provides contribution funding to the provinces and territories for the delivery of legal aid services for economically disadvantaged persons.

Indigenous Courtwork Program

Since 1978, federal financial support for the Indigenous Courtwork Program (formerly the Aboriginal Courtwork Program) is provided through contribution agreements with participating provincial governments.

Locations of Indigenous Courtworkers

Location of Indigenous Courtworkers in Canada

Drug Treatment Court Funding Program

Canadian drug treatment courts (DTC) began as a response to large numbers of offenders being incarcerated for drug-related offences and continuing to re-offend due to underlying drug dependency.

Youth Justice Services Funding Program

In Canada, the federal government and the provincial/territorial governments share joint responsibilities for youth justice.

Victims Fund - Provincial Territorial Program Funding

The Federal Victims Strategy consolidates all federal government work related to victims of crime into one objective: to give victims a more effective voice in the criminal justice system.