British North America Act, 1952 -
Enactment No. 24

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British North America Act, 1952, 1 Eliz. II, c. 15 (Can.)

An Act to amend the British North America Acts, 1867 to 1951, with respect to the Readjustment of Representation in the House of Commons.

[18th June, 1952]

Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

  1. 30 & 31, Vict. c. 3, (U.K.) amended.

    Section fifty-one of the British North America Act, 1867, as enacted by the British North America Act, 1946, is repealed and the following substituted therefor:

    • "51. (1) Readjustment of representation in Commons.

      Subject as hereinafter provided, the number of members of the House of Commons shall be two hundred and sixty-three and the representation of the provinces therein shall forthwith upon the coming into force of this section and thereafter on the completion of each decennial census be readjusted by such authority, in such manner, and from such time as the Parliament of Canada from time to time provides, subject and according to the following rules:

      1. There shall be assigned to each of the provinces a number of members computed by dividing the total population of the provinces by two hundred and sixty-one and by dividing the population of each province by the quotient so obtained, disregarding, except as hereinafter in this section provided, the remainder, if any, after the said process of division.
      2. If the total number of members assigned to all the provinces pursuant to rule one is less than two hundred and sixty-one, additional members shall be assigned to the provinces (one to a province) having remainders in the computation under rule one commencing with the province having the largest remainder and continuing with the other provinces in the order of the magnitude of their respective remainders until the total number of members assigned is two hundred and sixty-one.
      3. Notwithstanding anything in this section, if upon completion of a computation under rules one and two, the number of members to be assigned to a province is less than the number of senators representing the said province, rules one and two shall cease to apply in respect of the said province, and there shall be assigned to the said province a number of members equal to the said number of senators.
      4. In the event that rules one and two cease to apply in respect of a province then, for the purpose of computing the number of members to be assigned to the provinces in respect of which rules one and two continue to apply, the total population of the provinces shall be reduced by the number of the population of the province in respect of which rules one and two have ceased to apply and the number two hundred and sixty-one shall be reduced by the number of members assigned to such province pursuant to rule three.
      5. On any such readjustment the number of members for any province shall not be reduced by more than fifteen per cent below the representation to which such province was entitled under rules one to four of this subsection at the last preceding readjustment of the representation of that province, and there shall be no reduction in the representation of any province as a result of which that province would have a smaller number of members than any other province that according to the results of the then last decennial census did not have a larger population; but for the purposes of any subsequent readjustment of representation under this section any increase in the number of members of the House of Commons resulting from the application of this rule shall not be included in the divisor mentioned in rules one to four of this subsection.
      6. Such readjustment shall not take effect until the termination of the then existing Parliament.


    • (2) Yukon Territory and other part not comprised within a province.

      The Yukon Territory as constituted by chapter forty-one of the statutes of Canada, 1901, shall be entitled to one member, and such other part of Canada not comprised within a province as may from time to time be defined by the Parliament of Canada shall be entitled to one member."

  2. Short title and citation.

    This Act may be cited as the British North America Act, 1952, and the British North America Acts, 1867 to 1951, and this Act may be cited together as the British North America Acts, 1867 to 1952.

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