Internal Audit

The mandate of Justice Canada’s internal audit function is to help Justice Canada achieve its strategic outcomes by using a systematic and disciplined approach to assess and contribute to the continuous improvement of its risk management, internal control, and governance processes.

Index of Internal Audit Reports

The results of Justice Canada's audits are posted on our Web site to promote public accountability and transparency.

To access the 2007, 2006, 2005 Audit reports, please visit Library and Archives Canada.

Key Compliance Attributes of Internal Audit

Pursuant to the Treasury Board Directive on Internal Audit, departments must meet public reporting requirements as prescribed by the Comptroller General of Canada and using Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat prescribed platforms, including the performance results for the internal audit function.

The objective of publishing departmental internal audit performance results, in the form of key compliance attributes, is to provide pertinent information to stakeholders (Canadians, parliamentarians) regarding the professionalism, performance and impact of the internal audit function in departments. Rationale behind publishing these attributes can be found in OCG webpage.

Level of Professionalization of the Internal Audit FunctionTable note 1

Key Compliance Attributes
% of internal audit staff with an internal audit or accounting designation (CIA, CPA) 36%
% of internal audit staff with an internal audit or accounting designation (CIA, CPA) in progress 54%
% of internal audit staff holding other designations (CGAP, CISA, etc.) 27%

Conformance with the International Standards for the Profession of Internal Audit

Key Compliance Attributes
Date of last comprehensive briefingTable note 2 to the Departmental Audit Committee on the internal processes, tools, and information considered necessary to evaluate conformance with the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Code of Ethics and the Standards and the results of the quality assurance and improvement program (QAIP) October 2021
Date of last external assessmentTable note 3 October 2021

Risk-based Audit Plan and Related InformationTable note 4

Risk-based Audit Plan and Related Information
Internal Audit Title Internal Audit Status Report approved date Report published date Original planned MAP completion date Implementation Status
Follow-up Audit of Information Technology Security Approved May 2, 2019 N/A N/A N/A
Policy Development Process – Consulting Engagement Approved October 26, 2020 N/A Q4 2020-2021 67%
Procurement Contracting Practices –– Consulting Engagement Approved June 1, 2021 N/A Q1 2022-2023 40%
Audit of Legal Knowledge Management Approved June 1, 2021 September 29, 2021 Q4 2022-2023 0%
Audit of Recruiting and Staffing Processes Approved June 1, 2021 September 29, 2021 Q2 2022-23 0%
Teleworking Readiness Assessment – Consulting Engagement Approved October 21, 2021 N/A N/A N/A
IT Security of Classified Information – Consulting Engagement Approved October 21, 2021 N/A N/A N/A
Audit of the LP-01 Training and Development Program Approved March 4, 2022 N/A Q4 2022-23 N/A
Cloud Implementation / LSU Connectivity – Consulting Engagement Approved March 1, 2022 N/A N/A N/A
Implementation Review of the Directive on Civil Litigation involving Indigenous Peoples Consulting Engagement In Progress        
Early Advice on UNDRIP Governance Arrangements Consulting Engagement In Progress        
Audit of Recruitment In Progress        
Risk and Control Assessment of LSU Advisory Services Consulting Engagement Planned        
Audit of Communication Services Planned        
Artificial Intelligence Readiness Assessment Consulting Engagement Planned        

Strategic Value of the Internal Audit FunctionTable note 5

Key Compliance Attribute
Overall usefulness rating from senior management of areas audited
100% of respondents provided a rating of ‘excellent’, ‘good’, or ‘fair’, with the majority rated ‘excellent’ or ‘good’.