• CACP Annual General Meeting
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Conference
  • Human Trafficking Symposium
  • 117th Annual Conference


Latest News

  1. The CACP Electoral Commission has published its report recommending the slate of candidates for the CACP Board of Directors to be elected for the 2022–2023 term. Members have 30 days (until Friday, June 24 noon EST) to challenge a nominated candidate and submit a nomination signed by two voting members. Communications should be addressed to the Chair of the Electoral Commission, Chief Constable Adam Palmer at adam.palmer@vpd.ca, and be forwarded to the Executive Director of the CACP at arotenberg@cacp.ca.
  2. Canada Road Safety Week takes place from May 17 to 23, 2022 with the theme "Safer You. Safer Me."
  3. National Police Week takes place from May 15 to 21, 2022 with the theme "Connected to our Communities".
  4. On May 13, Deputy Chief Constable Howard Chow (co-chair of the Law Amendments Committee) and Ms. Isabelle Massé (member of the Law Amendments Committee) appeared before the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs to present the CACP submission on Bill S-4 which focused on tele-warrants and fingerprinting. 
  5. On May 6, Deputy Director Rachel Huggins (co-chair of the Drug Advisory Committee) and Inspector Michael Rowe (member of the Law Amendments Committee) appeared before the House of Commons' Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights to present the CACP submission on Bill C-5 regarding the decriminalization for simple possession of illicit drugs, conditional sentences and mandatory minimum penalties.
  6. The Board of Directors met on March 29. Click here to access CACP Connexions, a summary of the motions approved during this meeting.
  7. On March 24, Mathieu St-Germain and Jason Fraser, both members of the Law Amendments Committee, appeared as an intervener on behalf of the CACP before the Supreme Court of Canada to argue that section 745.51 of the Criminal Code (consecutive sentences without elibiligy for parole for offenders convicted of multiple murders) is constitutionally sound. Click here to access the factum submitted by the CACP.
  8. On March 22, Superintendent Lisa Byrne, member of the CACP's Law Amendments Committee, appeared before the House of Commons' Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights to present the CACP submission on the study of the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act.
  9. The Research Advisory Committee released a new SME Research Brief on Opioid Overdoses and Points of Contact
  10. The Crime Prevention, Community Safety and Well-being Committee released a new feature fact sheet on the Immersion Program implemented by the Longueuil Police Service.

Upcoming Events

CACP On-Demand Webinar Series

08/05/21 - 12/31/22

CACP's On-Demand Webinar Series features some of our top programs, which have been recorded for you to view at your convenience. All the same valuable information that you've come to expect from CACP programming, but made available in a format that allows you to participate when and where suits you best.


CACP National Human Trafficking Symposium

06/05/22 - 06/07/22

Moving Forward Together A Collaborative Approach to Ending Human Trafficking


Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) Annual General Meetings

07/25/22 - 07/25/22

41st AGM of the CACP Research Foundation 117th AGM of the CACP


Media Updates

CACP Statement - Bill C-21 - Firearms

The federal government has introduced an amended Bill C-21 to help reduce gun violence in Canada. The CACP agrees with the proposed changes of Bill C-21 in principle, but we must now focus on what these mean in practice.


CACP Statement: Supreme Court of Canada decision to strike down life without parole for mass murderers

The CACP continues to believe that the number of victims/lives taken must be a relevant factor in the sentencing of offenders who commit multiple murders.


News Release - Canada Road Safety Week 2022

This campaign aims to increase public compliance with safe driving measures to save lives and reduce injuries on Canada’s roads by focusing on the elimination of impaired driving, distracted driving, aggressive driving, and driving without a seatbelt.


