Get Prepared

Get Prepared
With a little preparation, you can be ready for anything. Understand the risks in your area, create a household emergency plan and build an emergency kit.

Services and information

National Security

Safety and security of Canadians both at home and abroad.

Emergency Management

Helping Canadians and their communities protect themselves from emergencies and disasters.

Countering Crime

Federal policy leadership, coordination and program support related to crime prevention, law enforcement, and the rehabilitation of offenders.

Border Strategies

Promoting the safety and economic well-being of Canadians through supporting secure and efficient management of Canada's borders.

Impaired Driving

Driving impaired is illegal. Learn about the types, risks, laws and enforcement.


Online Child Sexual Exploitation

Online predators use kid-friendly apps to meet and exploit children. And it happens in Canada more than you think. Learn how to protect your kids.


Get information and tips on what to do if this issue affects you or someone you care about.

Human Trafficking

Many Canadians misunderstand human trafficking. It doesn’t have to involve shipping containers or crossing borders; it’s happening in communities across Canada.

First Nations Police Services

Help inform the co-development of legislation recognizing First Nations police services as an essential service

The Financial Crime Coordination Centre

Learn about the Financial Crime Coordination Centre (FC3) and its new Knowledge Hub Portal

Flood Ready

Floods are among the most frequent and costly natural disasters in Canada. Take steps to protect your property.


Public Safety Canada Departmental Plan 2022–23

As Ministers responsible for Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, we are proud to introduce Public Safety Canada’s 2022-23 Departmental Plan. This highlights plans and priorities for the year ahead, as we address a wide variety of threats to the safety and security of Canadians.


All related consultations

Corporate information


The Honourable
Marco E. L. Mendicino

Minister of Public Safety


The Honourable Bill Blair

Minister of Emergency Preparedness

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