Vulnerable Adult Witnesses: The perceptions and experiences of Crown Prosecutors and Victim Services Providers in the use of testimonial support provisions

Prepared by Pamela M. Hurley for
Research and Statistics Division
Department of Justice Canada


The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department of Justice Canada.

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Gratitude is extended to the Directors of Prosecution who facilitated the participation of the Crowns interviewed in the study and to those who facilitated the participation and interviews with victim services providers.

A sincere appreciation is extended to the Crowns and victim services professionals who participated in this study.  Your insights, perceptions and commitment to the work you do, have provided a wealth of information on vulnerable adult witnesses.

Thanks to Dr. Susan McDonald of the Research and Statistics Division of Justice Canada, for her support throughout the research process and for her input on earlier drafts.

Also acknowledged are Karen Bellehumeur, Assistant Crown Attorney, London, Ontario, who provided input on the early draft of the questionnaire and Sarah Strasler for her assistance.

Finally, a big thank you to Mary Ainslie who authored the companion report to this report entitled, Testimonial Support for Vulnerable Adults (Bill C-2): Case Law Review (2009-2012).  She also provided consultation and input on the development and finalization of the questionnaire for Crown prosecutors.