Program Evaluation

Our Mandate

Program Evaluation in the Department of Justice has two primary roles: carrying out objective, credible and useful evaluation (both formative and summative) of the Department's policies, programs, operations and services; and providing advice and assistance to managers on results based management including ongoing measurement and reporting on results achieved.

Preparation and publishing of Program Evaluation reports is consistent with the Treasury Board Policy on Results which encourages government organisations to make reports accessible to the public with minimal formality.

You can contact us for any question or comment you have to make this a better information source.

2022-2027 Departmental Evaluation Plan

2022-2027 Departmental Evaluation Plan
Year Engagements
2022-2023 Evaluation of the Action Plan for Official LanguagesFootnote * of TableEvaluation of Federal Support for Family Justice: Canadian Family Justice FundEvaluation of the Indigenous Courtwork ProgramEvaluation of Canadian Drugs and Substances StrategyFootnote * of Table
2023-2024 Evaluation of the Reconciliation SecretariatEvaluation of the Legislative ServicesEvaluation of the Justice Partnership and Innovation ProgramEvaluation of the Legal Support to address Sexual Harassment in the WorkplaceEvaluation of Charter Statements
2024-2025 Evaluation of the In-Canada Asylum System ReformsFootnote * of TableEvaluation of Advisory Services – Client FocusedEvaluation of the Anti-Discrimination SecretariatJoint Audit and Evaluation of the LP-01 Training and Development ProgramEvaluation of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) – Division 9Footnote * of TableEvaluation of Community Justice Centres
2025-2026 Evaluation of the Contraventions Act ProgramEvaluation of Litigation ServicesEvaluation of the Justice Canada Federal Victims StrategyEvaluation of the Youth Justice InitiativeEvaluation of the Federal Support for Family Justice
2026-2027 Evaluation of Access to Justice in Both Official LanguagesEvaluation of the Legal Aid ProgramEvaluation of the Drug Treatment Court Funding ProgramEvaluation of the Indigenous Justice Program