Report on Results - Implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act - 2010-2011

Summary of Major Achievements in 2010-2011


Of special note this year, the Northern Conference entitled Justice under the Northern Lights, Legal Aspects of Canada's Integrated Northern Strategy was held in Yellowknife from February 22 to 24, 2011 and included a workshop on official languages in the North. Department employees gained greater awareness of the unique linguistic issues that arise in the territories, including the history of Aboriginal languages.


As part of the progress review of its 2005-2010 Action Plan for the implementation of section 41, the Department consulted over 200 individuals representing official language minority community organizations. The progress review findings and proposals are being taken into account in the development of the new Action Plan 2011-2016.

The Department's Family, Children and Youth Section organized a pan-Canadian French-language symposium on family justice with the Fédération des associations de juristes d'expression française de common law and the Association internationale francophone des intervenants auprès des familles séparées under the theme “Évolution et révolution de la justice familiale”. New ties were established between community stakeholders and Department officials.


Information was communicated to the communities at meetings, information fairs, regional events and during field visits.

The Department's Justice in Official Languages Web site was completely overhauled. The site is now more user-friendly and information is easier to find.

This year the Department launched the Justice in Official Languages Newsletter. The first issue was distributed to over 500 people.

Coordination and Liaison

The Department plays an active coordination and organization role within the Security and Justice Network (Public Safety, RCMP, Public Prosecution Service of Canada, etc.). This year the Network initiated the first phase of an environmental scan on risk factors for delinquency among young people from official language minority communities.

The Department delivered a presentation to the Ministerial Conference on the Canadian Francophonie in Yellowknife on June 22 and 23, 2010. After the conference, the representatives of Francophone matters from the provinces and territories were invited by the Department to join, on a permanent basis, the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Working Group on Access to Justice in Both Official Languages. They then participated in the meeting of the FPT group in March 2011. The objective is to create closer ties to ensure a more unified approach to issues of common interest.

Funding and Delivery of Programs

In 2010-2011, the Department granted $5,233,056 of funding to various projects. It supported several projects that promoted linguistic duality. Two major projects should be mentioned: the creation of the Centre canadien de français juridique in Winnipeg, which provides legal and linguistic training to bilingual stakeholders in the justice system, and the creation of the Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Portal.


The Department included section 41 in the Common Strategic Considerations Reference Table created by the Policy Committee's Secretariat.

Note: Please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to receive a copy of the 2010-2011 Report on Results.