Justice in Official Languages - Newsletter No. 7

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Welcome to the JOL Newsletter

Breathtaking landscapes, thousands of hectares of forest and tundra, extreme temperatures, vast horizons and spectacular aurora borealis – Canada’s North is a fascinating place getting increasing attention. Several linguistic communities are located at the heart of these wide open spaces, cohabiting through the seasons and contributing to Canadian economic development. But what is the place of French within these northern communities? How can the vitality of Francophone communities be enhanced? What are some of the challenges they face?

This issue presents an overview of the realities of Francophone communities in the North, the opportunities they have and the problems they face. As you will discover, northern Francophone communities are constantly innovating and striving to create a place for themselves on the territories they share with the other linguistic communities.

The preparation of this issue was largely facilitated by the Regional Coordinators for the Implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act. We would like to highlight the contributions of Maegan Hough and Jason Steele, two Section 41 Coordinators who have since left the Department of Justice Canada. Maegan left in September 2012 to pursue graduate studies at the University of Victoria, while Jason left in October 2012 to face new professional challenges with the Government of the Northwest Territories. We would like to take this opportunity to wish both of them success in their new endeavours.

We encourage you to visit our Web site for more information on our Department’s commitment to promoting linguistic duality, and to read Justice’s 2011-2012 Annual Review on the Implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act.

Happy reading!

The Justice in Official Languages Team