Justice Research and Data

High quality research and data are foundational to making evidence-based decisions on justice-related issues. At Justice Canada, the Research and Statistics Division (RSD) plays an important role in supporting the development of effective policies, programs, and legislation by conducting social science research and summarizing findings in reports and other informational products.

Some of the RSD’s studies are conducted by in-house researchers, others are conducted by external subject-matter specialists, such as academics, community-based researchers or legal experts who are contracted by the RSD. This allows the Department to benefit from different research perspectives and approaches and to hear the voices of many different communities.

Explore RSD’s research and learn more about important initiatives such as the Justice Data Modernization Initiative, State of the Criminal Justice System, National Justice Survey and more.

All Research and Statistics Reports

All Research and Statistics Reports

Browse the list of research and statistics reports produced by the RSD.

Quick Reads

Quick Reads

Find quick reads, like fact sheets and infographics, that summarize key research and data on important justice-related topics and issues.

State of the Criminal Justice System

State of the Criminal Justice System

Explore the Dashboard or read the reports for a comprehensive analysis on the performance of Canada’s criminal justice system.

Canadian Legal Problems Survey and Qualitative Studies on Serious Legal Problems

Canadian Legal Problems Survey and Qualitative Studies on Serious Legal Problems

Learn about the Canadian Legal Problems Survey and read complementary qualitative studies on the types of legal problems diverse groups of people in Canada face, and how they try to solve them.

The National Justice Survey

The National Justice Survey

Examine the findings and data from an annual survey of Canadians’ perceptions and knowledge of justice-related issues.

Legal Aid in Canada annual reports

Legal Aid in Canada annual reports

Learn more about legal aid in Canada from the RSD’s annual report examining legal aid revenues and expenditures, volume of applications, and client demographics.

Victims of Crime Research Digest

Victims of Crime Research Digest

Take a look at the breadth of victims-related research articles in the digests and learn more about the needs of victims of crime and how to best to respond.

Justice Data Modernization Initiative

Justice Data Modernization Initiative

Learn more about this initiative to improve the collection and use of disaggregated data by applying innovative research approaches.

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