Open Government Across Canada


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From coast to coast to coast Canadian provinces, territories and municipalities are joining the conversation on open government. Here you will find information about open government activities across the country, and tools to help get your jurisdiction engaged in open government.

Open Government and COVID-19

Explore open government resources related to COVID-19, including datasets, infographics, proactive disclosures and more.

Canada Open Government Working Group

The Canada Open Government Working Group (COGWG) is a forum for multi-jurisdictional information sharing and collaboration on open government initiatives, across jurisdictions. COGWG includes representatives from the federal government, provinces, territories and national municipal organizations. In line with its terms of reference, the working group:

  • Promotes the implementation of open data, open information and public engagement principles in their jurisdictions and sets strategic direction in support of pan-Canadian open government;
  • Shares, enhances, and develops common tools, platforms, practices, and policies to help Canadian governments increase the availability of their data and information to Canadians; and
  • Contributes to Canada’s participation on the Open Government Partnership and supports domestic open government fora to facilitate the sharing of best practices and increase the impact of open government.

Some key deliverables from the working group include the development of criteria for identifying high value datasets, implementation of a pilot federated open data search service and compilation of multijurisdictional open data use cases. More information on the working group’s current work plan and priorities are now available.

Working Documents

For more information on COGWG or to access the group’s working documents (including reports, meeting documents, agendas, project backgrounders and updates), we invite you to join us on GCcollab (registration will be required to access documents, please email us at if you require an invite).

Open Government Week

Canada joins the Open Government Partnership (OGP) and countries around the world to host an annual Open Government Week which took place this year from March 11-17, 2019. Check back later for updates on OG Week 2020.

Open Government Programs in Canada

Click on the map below to learn more about Open Government programs.

If you know of a Canadian jurisdiction with an Open Government program that is not listed below, please contact us to have it added so we can help to promote it.




Check out the following ways that you can participate in Canada’s Open Government Community.

Open Government Toolkit

Why re-invent the wheel? Here are some key resources created by the Government of Canada to help you establish and maintain an Open Government program in your organization.

  • Canada's Fourth National Plan (2018-2020)

    Follow this link to find out more about Canada’s progress to date on open government, as well as information about commitments Canada has made to improving open government both at home and with its international partners.

  • Open Data 101

    What is open data? Why does it matter? Learn the basics here.

  • Open Government FAQ

    Frequently asked questions (and answers!) about open government.

  • CKAN on Github

    CKAN is an open-source data management system, is free to download and use, and is what the Government of Canada uses to power its own open data portal.

  • Data Validation Tool on GitHub

Developers Toolkit: Code for Canada

Access tools and resources to help you develop innovative and creative applications using open data.


Learn more about Canada's Open Government Licence. If you would like to implement the licence within your organization, see our implementation guidelines.

What's new in open government?