Federal Court of Appeal

Federal Court of Appeal


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Rules Committee

The currency and clarity of the Federal Courts Rules is ensured by the Rules Committee established pursuant to section 45.1 of the Federal Courts Act. The mandate of the Rules Committee is to review the Rules and to suggest any amendments or additions. The drafters at the Department of Justice Canada ultimately draft the changes pursuant to the instructions of the Rules Committee and the Committee approves them for publication.

The Rules Committee is composed of the Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Appeal and the Chief Justice of the Federal Court; three judges designated by the Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Appeal and five judges designated by the Chief Justice of the Federal Court; the Chief Administrator of the Courts Administration Service, a representative of the Attorney General of Canada and five members of the bar of any province designated by the Attorney General of Canada, after consultation with the Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Appeal and the Chief Justice of the Federal Court, who themselves make a practice of consulting the Canadian Bar Association. Notably, the latter should be representative of the different regions of Canada and have experience in fields of law in respect of which the Federal Court of Appeal and the Federal Court have jurisdiction.

The Rules Committee generally meets twice a year, but can meet more often as needed.


  • Discussion paper - Review of the Rules on Costs, October 5, 2015; deadline to submit comments is January 8, 2016. pdf icon




