Policy Centre for Victim Issues

The Policy Centre for Victim Issues at the Department of Justice Canada works toward giving victims an effective voice in the criminal justice system by:

The Policy Centre for Victim Issues aims to improve understanding of the evolving needs of victims of crime, and to increase victim confidence in the criminal justice system. Its activities include:

The Policy Centre for Victim Issues does not provide criminal injuries compensation to victims of crime. The PCVI has a close working relationship with the provinces and territories, which have primary responsibility for the delivery of victim services, including the provision of criminal injuries compensation to victims of crime, where such programs exist.

For information on the services provided to victims of crime in your jurisdiction, please click on the link provided below.

Provincial/Territorial Governments

To learn more about the Policy Centre for Victim Issues, please contact us.

Our Partners

The Policy Centre for Victim Issues works with other federal government agencies and with provincial and territorial governments to improve the experience of victims of crime in the criminal justice system.