Make Your Voice Heard

The Office of the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman gives a voice to people who believe they are negatively impacted by IFC and MIGA projects. Learn about our process of independent accountability

Arne Hoel, The World Bank

Our Mandate

The Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) is the independent recourse mechanism for the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). The CAO responds to complaints from project-affected communities with the goal of enhancing social and environmental outcomes on the ground. Learn More

Case Update

Indonesia: Audit of IFC with regard to Wilmar Group closed

April 24, 2013 - CAO has released a final monitoring report of its audit of IFC with regard to Wilmar Group. CAO finds that IFC’s commitments and actions constitute a substantial approach to addressing the conclusions reached in the CAO Audit Report and the audit is now closed. The monitoring and closure report is available in English and Bahasa Indonesia. 
CAO's Ombudsman team remains engaged with complainants and the company in Indonesia to support monitoring and implementation of agreements.Learn more about this case

Colombia: Terms of Reference for Audit of IFC with regard to Avianca

April 24, 2013 - CAO has disclosed the Terms of Reference for its audit of IFC with regard to Avianca airlines in Colombia. The audit was initiated following a complaint filed to CAO by Colombian labor unions, with the support of global trade unions, in November 2011.Learn more about this case

Kosovo: Release of CAO Audit and IFC's Response with regard to KEK Kosovo case

April 12, 2013 - CAO's audit of IFC Advisory Services with regard to Korporata Energjetike e Kosovës (KEK), Kosovo has been cleared for disclosure, together with IFC's response.  The CAO audit report is available in English and Albanian, along with IFC's response.Learn more about this case

Mozambique: Release of CAO Audit and IFC's Response with regard to Mozal case

April 12, 2013 - CAO's audit of IFC with regard to its investment in Mozal, Mozambique has been cleared for disclosure, together with IFC's response.  The audit report is available in English and Portuguese, with IFC's response, at the link below.Learn more about this case

India: India Infrastructure Fund Case Transferred to Compliance

April 2, 2013 -  CAO has transferred the case regarding IFC's involvement in the India Infrastructure Fund for compliance appraisal after the parties did not find mutually acceptable parameters for dialogue going forward.   CAO's assessment and conclusion reports are available in English and Odia, along with IFC's response, at the link below.Learn more about this case

Cameroon: New complaint regarding IFC-supported AES Sonel

April 2, 2013 - CAO has accepted a labor related complaint regarding AES Sonel in Cameroon, a power company supported by IFC. CAO has commenced an initial assessment of the issues raised with the relevant parties.Learn more about this case

Summary of CAO Cases: April 2013

April 1, 2013 - CAO's 6-weekly summary of cases in assessment, dispute resolution, and compliance is available at the link below.CAO Case Summary April 2013

Albania: New Complaint regarding IFC-supported Bankers Petroleum

March 29, 2013 - CAO has accepted a complaint from local community members regarding IFC's involvement in Bankers Petroleum in Albania. The complainants claim a number of social and environmental impacts related to Bankers' Patos Marinza oilfield. CAO has commenced an assessment of the complaint with the parties involved.Learn more about this case

Uganda: Parties Reach Framework Agreement through CAO Mediation (Agri-Vie Mubende case)

March 15, 2013 - Through a mediation process facilitated by CAO, the parties have reached agreement on a range of principles. These are captured in a Framework Agreement endorsed by their representatives in March 2013, the content of which is to remain confidential to the parties (Mubende Community representatives and NFC) and their advisors (Oxfam and Uganda Land Alliance).  Aspects of the Framework Agreement the parties have agreed to make public are available in CAO's progress report, available in English, Luganda, and Runyankole. The parties will now quickly work toward a final agreement based on these principles. Learn more about this case

Mongolia: CAO accepts second complaint regarding Oyu Tolgoi

March 4, 2013 - CAO has accepted a second complaint regarding the IFC/MIGA-supported Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold mine in Mongolia. The complaint raises concerns about the mine's impact on the Undai River.  The CAO Ombudsman has commenced an assessment of the situation.Learn more about this case

India: New complaint regarding Amalgamated Plantations Private Limited (Tata Tea)

March 1, 2013 - CAO has received a complaint related to IFC's investment in Amalgamated Plantations Private Limited (APPL), a company which manages tea plantations in the Northeast of India. An assessment of the issues raised in the complaint is underway. CAO also has an open compliance audit regarding IFC's performance related to the project. Learn more about this case

Honduras: Audit of IFC with regard to Corporacion Dinant

February 26, 2013 - CAO has engaged an independent panel of experts for the purposes of its audit of IFC's involvement with Corporacion Dinant in Honduras. The panel will convene in Washington DC from February 27 to March 8, 2013.
CAO Communique, DInant Audit, February 2013

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In Memorium: Gamal Pasya

February 15, 2013 - CAO mourns the loss of our dear colleague and friend Gamal Pasya. Gamal worked with CAO in Indonesia for over five years, and touched us all with his generous heart, wisdom, loyalty, and commitment. He dedicated his exceptional talents to bringing about peace through the resolution of conflicts. He made a meaningful difference in the lives of communities and left an indelible mark on all those he served. At this time of loss, our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, son and daughter.

CAO releases Compliance Audit Report of IFC's Financial Sector Investments

February 5, 2013 - Following clearance by the World Bank Group President,, CAO has released its compliance audit of IFC's financial sector investments, with IFC's official response. In the course of its audit, CAO travelled to 54 locations in 25 countries to conduct face-to-face interviews with IFC clients and staff related to 188 IFC FI investments. The audit team comprised four independent experts.  The team based its findings on a review of IFC documents, interviews with IFC clients, staff, and staff of other development finance institutions with which IFC co-invests, and interviews with subclients. A summary of key findings, CAO's full audit report, and IFC's official response are available at the link below.
CAO Media Communique February 2013
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Nicaragua: Five films documenting outcomes of CAO dialogue process

December 13, 2012 - This year, CAO commissioned a series of films to document the outcomes of a four-year dialogue process between Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited (NSEL) and ASOCHIVIDA, an association of 2,000 former sugarcane workers and their families affected by Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Chichigalpa, Nicaragua. To view the films, click the link below.Learn more and view the films

What's New

Launch of CAO's Revised Operational Guidelines

March 11, 2013 - CAO has launched its revised Operational Guidelines after a year long review and consultation period. Henceforth, CAO will be working under the revised Guidelines. A summary of comments received during the public consultation period, along with CAO's response, and the 2013 Operational Guidelines are available at the link below. Translations of the Guidelines into Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian, Chinese and Arabic will be available soon.Learn more about the Revised CAO Operational Guidelines

CAO Annual Report 2012

October 2012 - CAO has released its 2012 Annual Report which provides a full account of CAO's activities from July 2011 to June 2012 (Fiscal Year 2012).  The report is available in English and Spanish at the link below.CAO Annual Report 2012