The Open Government Partnership


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The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a global multilateral initiative with the core objective of securing solid commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance, in partnership with civil society and the private sector.

Since its inception in 2011, more than 75 countries have joined the OGP. The Partnership is governed by a Steering Committee that is comprised of both government officials as well as civil society members. Each member country is required to publish a two-year action plan for their open government initiatives developed in consultation with civil society and interested citizens.

Canada has been an active OGP member since 2012; its first Action Plan covered the period of 2012-2014. Most recently, Canada stood as a candidate in the election of the new OGP Steering Committee members in 2017. Four steering committee seats were available, and 12 countries submitted their candidacy. Canada came first in the election, and assumes its seat on the Steering Committee in September, 2017.

Increasingly, the global open government community is looking to expand beyond opening up access to data and information, to also supporting more meaningful, dependable and honest dialogue between citizens and the governments that serve them.

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We look forward to hearing from you. Your ideas and feedback are central to the development of both the Open Government portal and the Government of Canada’s approach to Open Government.

While comments are moderated, the portal will not censor any comments except in a few specific cases, listed below. Accounts acting contrary to these rules may be temporarily or permanently disabled.

Comments and Interaction

Our team will read comments and participate in discussions when appropriate. Your comments and contributions must be relevant and respectful.

Our team will not engage in partisan or political issues or respond to questions that violate these Terms and Conditions.

Our team reserves the right to remove comments and contributions, and to block users based on the following criteria:

The comments or contributions:

  • include personal, protected or classified information of the Government of Canada or infringes upon intellectual property or proprietary rights
  • are contrary to the principles of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Constitution Act, 1982
  • are racist, hateful, sexist, homophobic or defamatory, or contain or refer to any obscenity or pornography
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  • are contrary to any federal, provincial or territorial laws of Canada
  • constitute impersonation, advertising or spam
  • encourage or incite any criminal activity
  • are written in a language other than English or French
  • otherwise violate this notice

Our team cannot commit to replying to every message or comment, but we look forward to continuing the conversation whenever possible. Please note that responses will be provided in the same language that was used in the original comment.

Our team will reply to comments in the official language in which they are posted. If we determine the response is a question of general public interest, we will respond in both official languages.


Submitted by sean murray wall on November 13, 2019 - 10:23 PM

a partnership with all classes in our democracy is an equal rights standard for we all deserve employment dispite our differences. I have accumulated enough revenues to accommadate for our financial freedom. as you know this is a human rights case that implicates many including me as this is illigal implamentation and infringment causing mental unrest and frustration amoung the communities. Can we please come to an indirect negotiation as i have sufferd much and just wish for a simple, equal world where all are employed and have financial access to comfort and security. I know you hear me think as i am a telecelestial whom communicates through thoughts alone. my purpose in life is pave the way to a reformed world and your indirect manipulation is standing in the way as your beliefs are unclear as our communication is distorted. 100X(A/B) 100X(C/D) are my untouched media finacial data as i am primary share holder and indirect chairman of the board with no suitable employment and we all know. hhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Sean (M) Wall #1203224 #1339235
#274748 #066024E