Survol : Justice et de la Sécurité publique

Le ministère de la Justice et de la Sécurité publique travaille à la création de mécanismes de soutien qui réduisent les risques auxquels la population fait face et renforcent le système de justice. Le ministère coordonne les efforts visant une prestation efficace de services de sécurité publique qui permettent de veiller à la sécurité économique et personnelle de la population.

Parmi les priorités du Ministère, il y a notamment les suivantes : 

  • Concevoir et mettre en œuvre le premier tribunal de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard pour l’instruction des causes de violence conjugale
  • Renforcer les partenariats avec les communautés et les divers groupes d’acteurs afin de garantir une réponse efficace aux situations d’urgence, et mener à bien les travaux nécessaires pour que les meilleures pratiques en matière de sécurité publique restent une priorité, notamment en achevant l’examen post-action de la réponse à la tempête post-tropicale Fiona 
  • Poursuivre la mise en place d’un environnement en ligne sûr en créant un groupe de travail multisectoriel chargé d’élaborer un plan d’action pour lutter contre la cyberintimidation et promouvoir la cybersécurité 
  • Réaliser un examen du modèle opérationnel et de la gouvernance de l’Organisation des mesures d’urgence (OMU) de l’Î.-P.-É. et veiller à ce que l’OMU dispose du personnel et des ressources nécessaires pour assurer le leadership dans les situations d’urgence à venir

Structure et équipe

Aide juridique

This program has eight full-time staff lawyers and one director, who provide assistance to legal aid clients. Eligible clients who cannot be represented by staff lawyers because of professional conflict rules, may be referred to private sector lawyers on a legal aid basis. Legal Aid coverage is restricted to essential legal services in criminal law, and civil and family law areas. Eligibility requirements include a financial means test. Civil and family legal aid services are funded by the province. Criminal legal aid is cost-shared by Prince Edward Island and Canada. 

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Bureau des procureurs de la Couronne

The Crown Attorneys’ Office is mandated to represent the Attorney General of the province in all aspects of his prosecutorial function. The Crown Attorneys’ Office prosecutes offences under the Criminal Code of Canada, the Youth Criminal Justice Act and provincial statutes in the Provincial, Supreme and Appeal Courts of Prince Edward Island and in the Supreme Court of Canada. The Crown Attorneys’ Office also provides legal advice on criminal law to government ministries and the police, and develops policies and procedures on issues relating to the prosecution of criminal cases. The policies that guide the conduct of criminal prosecutions can be found at Conduct of Criminal Prosecutions in PEI [589 Kb].

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Division des services financiers et aux consommateurs

This division is comprised of the Consumer Services, Corporations, Insurance and Real Estate, Securities and Vital Statistics sections. 

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Assurances et immobilier

This section functions under the supervision of the Superintendent of Insurance and is responsible for real estate sales licenses, insurance legislation, the handling of insurance complaints and the collection of premium tax and fire prevention tax. The section administers the following Acts: Fire Prevention Act (Sec. 16-18), Insurance Act, Premium Tax Act, and the Real Estate Trading Act.

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This Section is responsible for administering the Lottery Schemes Order (bingos, raffles, casino nights, 50/50 draws) and handles consumer complaints and inquiries. The various statutes administered are: Auctioneers Act, Business Practices Act, Cemeteries Act, Charities Act, Collection Agencies Act, Conditional Sales Act, Consumer Protection Act, Consumer Reporting Act, Direct Sellers Act, Films Act, Lottery Schemes Order Part X, Bankruptcy Act (Federal), Prearranged Funeral Services Act, Sale of Goods Act and Tax Rebate Discounting Act (Federal). If you have a consumer complaint, please call toll-free 1-800-658-1799.

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This section is responsible for the registration of partnerships and business names, the incorporation of companies, non-profit corporations, co-operatives and credit unions and the registration of extra-provincial corporations. It administers the Companies Act, Extra-provincial Corporations Registration Act, Co-operative Associations Act, Credit Unions Act, Limited Partnerships Act and the Partnership Act.

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Statistiques de l'état civil

The Vital Statistics Program is a provincial registry responsible for the collection, registration, maintenance and dissemination of vital event information which includes births, deaths, stillbirths, adoptions, marriages, divorces and change of name.

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This section administers and enforces the Securities Act. It is responsible for the registration of securities dealers, advisers and salespersons and for the regulation of companies that sell securities to the public.

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Droit familial et services judiciaires

The Family Law and Court Services Division is comprised of Court Services, Family Law Section, and the Office of the Public Trustee and Public Guardian.


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Bureau du curateur public et de la tutelle publique

This section functions under the supervision of the Public Trustee. The Public Trustee is appointed by the province to assist persons who are unable to manage their own financial affairs. The section administers the Public Trustee Act and the Provincial Administrator of Estates Act.

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Section du droit familial

The Family Law Section is responsible for the planning, administration and delivery of the following programs and services: Child Support Guidelines Office, Maintenance Enforcement Program, Administrative Recalculation Office, Family Court Counsellors' Office and the Parent Education Program.

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Services judiciaires

La Section des services judiciaires est responsable de l’administration des tribunaux civils et criminels des trois juridictions de la province – la Cour provinciale, la Cour suprême de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard et la Cour d’appel de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Vous pouvez trouver des renseignements supplémentaires sur le site Web des cours de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard : (en anglais seulement).

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Finances et services généraux

The Finance and Corporate Services Division is responsible for coordinating the department's financial management, human resource management and administrative services.

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Finances et services généraux
Justice Policy and FPT Relations

This division serves as a resource to the Department of Justice and Public Safety in the areas of policy advice and development, federal/provincial/territorial relations, and community and social development.

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Legal, Legislative, Information Access, and Privacy Services

The division provides legal policy advice and guidance to the Department of Justice and Public Safety and is responsible for the administration of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

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Bureau de l'accès à l'information et de la protection de la vie privée

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act simultaneously ensures openness and transparency in the operations of government, while ensuring that personal information held by government is protected. The Access and Privacy Services Office provides government-wide policy advice, service and support in the administration of the Act and its regulations.

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Bureau des conseillers législatifs

This section is responsible for the drafting of all statutes and regulations, the revision of statutes and the consolidations of the statutes and the regulations.

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Services juridiques

The Legal Services Section provides legal services to all departments and agencies of the Provincial Government.

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Sécurité publique

The Public Safety Division is comprised of 911 Administration, Emergency Measures Organization, Fire Marshal's Office, Firearms Office, Investigation and Enforcement, and Policing Services. 

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Administration du 911

The 911 Administration Office serves as the coordinating agency for the operation of the E9-1-1 service and the maintenance of the provincial civic addressing system under the Emergency 911 Act.

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Bureau des armes à feu

The PEI Firearms Office administers the Gun Control Program, pursuant to the federal Firearms Act and relevant provisions of the Criminal Code of Canada. This office also administers the Private Investigators and Security Guards Act.

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Bureau du commissaire aux incendies

The office of the Provincial Fire Marshal is responsible for the promotion of fire prevention measures in the province and extends to training for volunteer fire fighters as well as institutional and municipal officials.

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Enquête et application de la loi

The Investigation and Enforcement Section, through PEI's Conservation Officers, is responsible for enforcing provincial and federal acts and regulations pertaining to the environment, fish and wildlife, pesticides and off-highway vehicle enforcement.

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Organisation des mesures d’urgence

The Emergency Measures Organization provides the Province of Prince Edward Island with an emergency management system for the protection of persons, property and the environment in response to all emergencies and disasters.

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Services policiers

Policing Services Section is responsible for the administration of the Police Act and for liaising with all police agencies toward the implementation of effective and efficient policing services in PEI.

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Services communautaires et correctionnels

Community and Correctional Services Division is an essential part of the Criminal Justice System in protecting the public and contributing to the rehabilitation of youth and adult offenders by providing community and custody programs. The Division provides support services to the courts and victims of crime. It also contributes to new initiatives involving victim issues, crime prevention, public education, research, policy and program development. The Division is made up of four Sections: Community Programs, Correctional Programs, Victim Services and Clinical Services.

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Programmes communautaires

This Section is responsible for the planning, administration, and delivery of the following community based programs and services: Probation Services (Adult Offenders) and Youth Justice Services including the Alternative Residential Placement/Community Youth Worker Program, Youth Probation Services, and the Youth Intervention Outreach Program. As well, the Section is involved in considering and developing alternatives to traditional justice approaches; assisting in community/public education; crime prevention and early intervention initiatives.

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Programmes correctionnels

The Correctional Programs Section is responsible for the planning, administration, and delivery of correctional programs for adult and young offenders in three custodial facilities across the province. There are two adult facilities: Provincial Correctional Centre in Charlottetown and Prince Correctional Centre in Summerside. The PEI Youth Centre in Summerside (secure custody) is responsible for young offenders. Correctional Programs staff are responsible to provide intake, assessment, case management, security, rehabilitative programming and discharge planning for adult and young offenders serving custody sentences/dispositions, police lock-ups, remands and others placed by means of provincial or federal legislation and/or agreements.

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Service d'aide aux victimes

Victim Services assists victims of crime throughout the province by providing information, support, referral, assistance throughout the criminal justice process and criminal injuries compensation.

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Services cliniques

The Clinical Services Team is a provincial resource providing assessment and treatment services. The target population are high-risk adults and youth involved with the criminal justice system. The team also provides training, consultation, and case management support.

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Services généraux

The primary areas of responsibility of Corporate Services include: budgetary control, monitoring and forecasting of Divisional revenues and expenditures; assisting the Department with status quo process; negotiating and preparing claims for the numerous federally funded agreements and projects in our Division; auditing expenditures and processes; providing advice and interpretations of Collective Agreement to payroll employees; leadership role in developing a statistical tracking process for the Division; approving and planning Divisional purchases and monitoring inventory levels; coordinating administration functions and cross training of admin staff; and providing support to Divisional managers in financial and process decisions.

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Organismes, conseils et commissions

Justice et Sécurité publique
Fax: 902-368-4910
Adjointe administrative du ministre et de la sous-ministre
Agent principal des communications

Renseignements généraux

Ministère de la Justice et de la Sécurité publique
Immeuble Shaw, 4e étage (sud)
95, rue Rochford
C.P. 2000
Charlottetown (Î.-P.-É.) C1A 7N8

Téléphone : 902-368-4550
Télécopieur : 902-368-5283