Adult Pre-sentence Reports

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What is a Pre-sentence Report?

A Pre-sentence Report is a report prepared by a Probation Officer which contains information on a person’s character, education, family history, work experience, attitude etc. The Judge, the Crown Attorney, and your lawyer get a copy of the report. If you don't have a lawyer, you should get a copy of the report. The report helps the Court to arrive at a decision on sentencing.

Who can order a Pre-sentence Report?

Crown counsel, defense counsel or an offender (if unrepresented) can make a request to the judge to have a pre-sentence report prepared.  The Judge decides if the request is necessary.  This request is made after a guilty plea or a determination of guilt, and before the sentencing hearing. The Judge can also order a pre-sentence report without a request from counsel.

Who prepares the Pre-sentence Reports?

Probation Officers prepare all pre-sentence reports requested by the judge for sentencing of an offender.

What information is in a Pre-sentence Report?

Unless otherwise specified by the court, a pre-sentence report must, whenever possible, contain information on the following:

  • Offenders age, maturity, character, behaviour, attitude and willingness to make amends.
  • History of previous sentences.
  • History of any alternative measures used to deal with the offender, and the offenders response to those measures.
  • Information on any other matter required by the court.

Is there a cost to have a Pre-sentence Report done?

There is no cost to have a pre-sentence prepared by Probation Services.

Who can I contact for more information?

Manager, Probation Services
Customs House
42 Great George Street
Charlottetown, PEI
Telephone: (902) 368-6061

Date de publication : 
le 1 Avril 2016
Justice et Sécurité publique

Renseignements généraux

Community and Correctional Services Division
4th Floor South, Shaw Building
95 Rochford Street
PO Box 2000
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 7N8
Phone: (902) 620-3115
Fax: (902) 368-5283