Search Request Form
(for information about your own divorce)

Use this form (HTML | PDF) to ask for information about your own divorce proceedings if you filed for a divorce after July 2, 1968Footnote 1. You can also call 613-957-4519.


  1. Please type or print when you fill in the form.
  2. The information you provide must be complete and accurateFootnote 2
  3. Return the form duly completed and signed to:
    Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings
    Department of Justice Canada
    284 Wellington Street
    Ottawa, ON K1A 0H8
  4. If you are looking for information about someone else's divorce, you must use the longer Search Request and Consent Form.

Information about you

Your name

Given name(s): 


Your name at birth if different from your current name:

Given name(s): 

Surname(s) at birth: 

Mailing address

Street, City, Province and Postal Code

Your date of birth (yyyy/mm/dd): 

Telephone (day): 

Information about your former spouse

The other party to the divorce proceedings

Former spouse's name at birth: 

Given name(s): 

Surname(s) at birth: 

Former spouse's date of birth (yyyy/mm/dd): 

Date of your marriage (yyyy/mm/dd): 

Information about your application

What information are you requesting? Please check all boxes that apply

  • ☐ Court Number and CRDP Registration Number
  • ☐ Date and disposition of divorce proceedings
  • ☐ Location and telephone number where the divorce proceedings was filed
  • ☐ Date the divorce application was filed

How would you like the CRDP to respond to your request

  • ☐ By phone
  • ☐ By mail

Your signature: 

Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 


This form may have been reproduced and/or modified by companies and they may charge a fee to complete it and to conduct a search of the Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings. Note that the Department of Justice was not involved in the reproduction of this form and the CRDP DOES NOT charge any fees for processing a request for information from a member of the public.

The CRDP collects information under the authority of the Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings Regulations, for the purpose of informing Canadian Court Registrars of the existence of pending divorce proceedings or divorces granted in Canada. This information is stored in the personal information bank (JUS PPU 005) and is protected, used and disclosed in accordance with the federal Privacy Act.

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