Criminal Justice System Modernization Strategy

On March 9, 2018, Manitoba released its Criminal Justice System Modernization Strategy.

This strategy outlined the need to transform Manitoba's approach to criminal justice. Violent crime, incarceration rates, reoffending, and overrepresentation by Manitobans impacted by mental health issues and substance dependency had been too high for too long.

Our strategy reorients the justice system to focus public resources on crime prevention, serious criminal cases, more effective use of restorative justice and responsible reintegration of offenders to create safe communities and ensure timely access to justice, by setting out four clear objectives:

  • To reduce crime, improve community safety and reduce the number of individuals coming into conflict with the law and the criminal justice system.
  • To deal with each case in a manner appropriate to the seriousness of the offence and the circumstances of the offender.
  • To more effectively use restorative justice options to improve public safety and reduce delay in the court system.
  • To reintegrate offenders from custody to the community with essential supports to prevent further offences and re-contact with the criminal justice system.

Manitoba committed to report publically on the key measures listed below: