Safety Officer Program

The Provincial Police Act Review (2020) recommended creation of a layered policing model to support community safety. The Safety Officer Program (SOP) allows communities to take ownership of their own safety plans by providing resources to address less serious criminal issues stemming from social issues such as homelessness, addiction and mental health. Additionally, the SOP provides support to police agencies to unburden them from social issue management allowing them to focus on serious criminal matters.

Safety Officers work collaboratively with local policing authorities to enhance public safety by maintaining a visible presence within the community, facilitating the response the local policing authority to situations that require police involvement, providing information and assistance to local policing authorities on ongoing or emerging public safety issues, providing assistance with in criminal and non-criminal matters such as crime and accident scene management, transporting detained persons, taking witness statements, receiving reports from the public, and helping persons access victim support services.

Important dates:

The next scheduled training courses:

Institutional Safety Officer (ISO) October 23 – November 3 University of Manitoba
Level 1 – Class #22 January 22 – February 16 Brandon
Level 2 – Class #23 February 26 – March 8 Brandon
Level 1 – Class #24 March 18 – April 12 TBD