Pesticides and pest management

Monitor your home and property or any other area where pests are a concern. Be prepared to take appropriate action when pests cause damage or health issues. Learn about using less harmful pesticides and integrated pest management techniques to help protect natural environments.

Managing pests

The key to effective pest management is to prevent pests from becoming a problem in the first place. If you do have a pest problem, it’s important to know how to identify, monitor and control pests using safe treatment methods.

Pesticide use

Sometimes pesticides are needed to control pests. Pesticides must be used safely and according to legal requirements.

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Business and industry

If you’re a pest management professional or a business that sells or uses pesticides, find out when authorizations are required and access information or tools designed specifically for the work that you do.

Certification and training

Only a trained and certified person may sell or use most pesticides.

Learn about the different types of certificates and find out how to:

  • Get study materials
  • Access training courses
  • Take an exam
  • Get continuing education credits

Reports, publications and guides

Find reference materials designed to help pest control managers understand and navigate legislated requirements. 

Compliance and enforcement

Learn how the province enforces pesticide requirements under the Integrated Pest Management Act and Regulation.

Find out how to report a pesticide related concern.

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Legislation and consultation

Review the laws that regulate the storage, sale, transportation and use of pesticides. Changes are occasionally made to the IPM legislation to improve the protection of human health and the environment from pesticides. Participate in related public consultations and find out how these changes may affect you.

IPM news

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  • Integrated pest management (IPM)
  • The regulation of pesticides