During the trial

If you are selected to participate on a jury, this section will provide you with information on what to expect when you arrive for the trial on the first day.

Court is a very formal environment. Before arriving for the trial, be sure to learn about rules, protocols, dress code and courtroom conduct

Before you leave for court, ensure you have your jury summons, photo ID, money for parking/bus/taxi fare, lunch and snacks.

If you’re driving to the courthouse and choose to park in metered parking, please be aware that you may not be able to pay the meter for 4-5 hours (depending on the length of the court sitting). Keep your receipts (see compensation information).

On arrival to the courthouse, you will be directed to an assigned area or room where you will be checked-in. Have your jury summons and government-issued photo ID ready.

Before the trial begins, the judge will give instructions about your duties as a juror, including what happens during a trial, when to return for the trial, how long jurors need to be in the courtroom per day and how long the trial is scheduled for.

You don’t need to know anything about the law to serve on a jury. Your civic duty is to apply logic to the facts of the case and the evidence presented to you and make a decision. The judge will explain legal terms and the law that you will consider on the matter, as well as any other relevant information.

Jury duty is a vital, rewarding and meaningful public service. Occasionally, jury duty can also be quite stressful and difficult. Not all individuals will experience the same stress responses, but all jurors are encouraged to practice good self-care during the trial and access the Juror Support Program for support following the trial.