An Indigenous woman speaking in front of a class

Equity, diversity and inclusion

Fostering and celebrating excellence, equity, diversity and inclusiveness within our research community and in our research approaches is one of the main directions and objectives of the University of Ottawa Strategic Areas of Research.

We foster transformational change in research

  • By valuing a plurality of visions, ideas, and ways of being in research;
  • Strengthening EDI skills through proactive exchange and learning spaces;
  • By advancing a culture of self-reflection on the systemic factors that contribute to excellence in research.

The underrepresented groups in research

Within its commitment to diversity, the University of Ottawa has prioritized five groups traditionally underrepresented in research.

These groups are made up of people who identify as:

Hands on a table working on an action plan

EDI action plan for research

This Plan implements strategies and actions that create an inclusive climate for research at uOttawa by addressing needs and barriers of researchers and trainees of underrepresented groups.
Find out more about the EDI action plan
Scientist woman in lab

EDI resources

These resources include data on underrepresented groups in research at uOttawa, a list of experts who work on topics related to these groups, as well as a list of our experts’ publications that provide guidance on strengthening equity, diversity and inclusion in research.
Find out more about EDI resources
Truth and Reconciliation
uOttawa Chancellor Claudette Commanda addresses a roomful of people
Truth and Reconciliation

Family Medicine’s first-of-its-kind learning circle features VR film

uOttawa Chancellor Claudette Commanda co-led activities calling upon participants to bear witness to inequity and explore approaches to better health care.
People crossing uOttawa's rainbow crosswalk

Rainbowifying STEM: celebrating Queer scientists

Professor Stacey Smith?, best known for her research using mathematical models to study infectious diseases, works on defying stereotypes to make STEM a more diverse and inclusive place.
EDI initiatives
Vincent Tabard-Cossa and his team
EDI initiatives

A picture is worth a thousand words – Creating an inclusive lab webpage

When used correctly, images can foster a sense of inclusion. Professor Vincent Tabard-Cossa harnessed this empowering role of images to design his laboratory’s website.

Contact us

We’re happy to connect!

Ideas, questions or suggestions on how to improve research through EDI practices?

[email protected]

Indigenous affirmation

We pay respect to the Algonquin people, who are the traditional guardians of this land. We acknowledge their longstanding relationship with this territory, which remains unceded.

We pay respect to all Indigenous people in this region, from all nations across Canada, who call Ottawa home.

We acknowledge the traditional knowledge keepers, both young and old. And we honour their courageous leaders: past, present, and future.

Learn more.