Text and logo of nature.ca 150, in large numerals, flanked by 1856 and 2006 in smaller numerals. Text: Discover.
Text: Canadian Museum of Nature.
Text: Home. Text: Search. Text: Français.

Text: Photographs from Nature.

Detail of photo: Silver maple, Acer saccharinum S75-4503.

Dinosaurs and Fossils

Illustration and photo of wild bergamot, Monarda fistulosa.

Virtual Museum of Canada


Discover Nature!

Text: Ukaliq the Arctic Hare; Get the message? Say It with Ears; Caught in the act... Arctic Hare Cam. Photos of Arctic hares. Illustration of an Arctic hare paw print.
Play fun games in our Web site about the Arctic hare.

Text: Native Plant Crossroads. Photo: Bunchberry, Cornus canadensis.
For gardeners and conservationists alike!

Text: 3D Dino Movie! Walking the Chasmosuar. A collage of images: the fleshed-out Chasmosaurus irvinensis and mountainous landscape.

Illustration of a cat.
Satisfy some curiosity!
Play CopyCat
and find the cloned kitty!
Illustration of three kittens.

Collage of illustrations and photos: Logo of Sila: Clue in to Climate Change, an Inukshuk, a teenage girl, a teenage boy.

Text: Natural History Notebooks. Illustrations of Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus), Eskimo Curlew (Numenius borealis), White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum), chorus frog (Pseudacris triseriata).

Text: Our Amazing Treasures.
Astonishing discoveries and intriguing specimens.

Photo: researchers and supplies on Ellesmere Island. Text: In the Field.
Photo: binoculars.


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