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January 19, 2006
Conservatives Discover Arctic National Wildlife Reserve

January 19, 2006
Layton Has Turned his Back on Protecting Rights

January 19, 2006
Layton Has Turned his Back on Kyoto
our economy
Following a strategy of balanced tax cuts, social spending and debt repayment, the Liberal government has invested in our social foundations and moved us towards a green economy and sustainable communities while enabling us to overcome a challenging deficit.

cities and communities
Canada’s cities and communities are where we truly experience what it means to be Canadian. Paul Martin and the Liberal government understand this and have committed a great deal to improving where we live and raise our children. We also know that cities propel economic growth, employment and innovation. They are at the center of our country’s success.

our families
Giving families a helping hand, at all stages of life, is an important part of creating a society of which we can all be proud. Paul Martin and the Liberal government strive to treat every Canadian family with dignity and respect. From our children to our seniors, we are committed to promoting initiatives that reflect everyone’s needs.

canada in the world
Whether it is through international aid, peacekeeping, trade or security, the Liberal government is committed to ensuring Canada's continued role of pride and influence in the world.

our environment
Like the majority of Canadians, Prime Minister Paul Martin and the Liberal government believe that a smart environmental policy is vital to our continued success as a nation. We recognize the importance of continuing to make investments to protect and preserve our rich inheritance of land, water and wildlife.

universal health care
The Liberal government is committed to upholding the Canada Health Act and protecting our national, universal health care system. We will ensure that our health care system will continue to be there when Canadians need it, no matter where they live, and no matter what their income.

The Liberal Party recognizes the invaluable role of farmers across Canada. Agriculture is not only a crucial sector for Canadians but for people in all parts of the world. We are committed to creating an environment that allows Canadian producers to earn a living and build a future for themselves, their families and their industry.