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4.0 Common Recommendations in All Three SI Streams

The following are recommendations for all three SI streams:

  1. Identify best practices of the pilot projects as soon as possible and recommend a plan that outlines how the successful innovations will be integrated into current and future education and skill training programs in Saskatchewan.
  2. Continue efforts to ensure that the Strategic Initiatives Database/Tracking System is functioning properly and meeting its mandate to monitor the progress of projects and/or provide activity reports for timely decision-making. In the future, appropriate human resources must be allocated to systems development; procedures must be in place to minimize any duplication in efforts; and adequate staff training must be provided to ensure the information systems' effectiveness.
  3. Prior to program announcement and initiation, any future joint initiatives should incorporate a pre-operational design and development phase with timelines and resources (human and financial) for the following activities:
    • development of partnerships;
    • use of focus groups with stakeholders to provide input into program design;
    • development of common visions and objectives;
    • development of detailed but flexible policies, procedures, and processes;
    • identification, development, and implementation of tracking system and monitoring requirements;
    • development of evaluation protocols, criteria and mechanisms;
    • development of a communication strategy; and
    • development and implementation of training program(s) for staff.
  4. When working with two orders of government which operate within two independent and distinct systems and infrastructures, effective co-ordination and collaboration can only be achieved by identifying ways to integrate the dual systems without compromising their individual system integrity.
  5. Identify opportunities, including participation in focus groups or workshops, for increased involvement of industry, community-based organizations, and other government departments in the development of future training and employment programs. Ensure non-government partners are able to participate in workshops and other activities and, when necessary, subsidize expenses.
  6. Encourage the involvement of funding and training partners in the developmental stage of individual projects to ensure co-ordination of activities. Continue to seek opportunities to involve representatives from each of the target groups identified in the Strategic Initiative principles.
  7. Ensure significant time and resources (human and financial) are provided to establish true partnerships and to develop relationships at the community level and between federal/provincial government departments and agencies, industry, and community-based organizations. Continue to strengthen these partnerships.
  8. Develop a communication strategy for each of the three streams that takes into account each one's specific communication requirements. Generally, this involves communication that maximizes awareness of the SI stream and the progress of the projects within it for users and potential users; transmits clear and consistent messages and guidelines; and encourages cooperative working relationships among project partners.
  9. Ensure that a program evaluation component is included at the onset of newly designed programs. Prior to program initiation, it would be helpful to develop evaluation criteria, database/tracking system requirements, expectations, performance measurements and benchmarks. A preliminary framework document was developed, however, as a result of urgency of implementation, inadequate and incompatible information and benchmarks resulted in direct correlation and translation of framework document into action.
  10. Continue efforts to refine reporting and monitoring forms to streamline the process and increase consistency.
  11. Continue to monitor requirements for administrative resources and allocate funding as required for efficient and effective service.
  12. Continue to monitor and link the development of LMI products, in conjunction with Career Services, and strengthen the linkage between the two streams at all levels.
  13. Continue efforts to identify the scope of translation requirements for LMI products and a cost-effective solution to adhere to federal government policies for Official Languages. Incorporate implications of the federal government's commitment to official languages in future partnership agreements between the federal and provincial governments.
  14. Ensure the results of the Strategic Initiatives pilot projects are included in the development work with respect to future labour market programs and services developed under the Canada Saskatchewan Labor Market Development Agreement.


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