Government of Canada, Privy Council Office
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Who we are
The Minister
Financial Framework of the Federation
Intergovernmental Relations by Sector
The Constitutional File and the Unity File
Evolution of the Federation
Federations of the World
Press Room
Events Calendar
Other Sites of Interest
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Site Map

What's New


Contact Us

Reference Works

Other PCO Sites

Action Plan for Official Languages

Who we are

  Mandate of Intergovernmental Affairs

  Role and Structure of the Privy Council Office

  Departmental Performance Reports - Privy Council Office

  Organizational Chart of the Privy Council Office

  Report on Plans and Priorities - Privy Council Office

The Minister


Financial Framework of the Federation

  Fiscal Balance

  Fiscal Federalism

  Transfers and equalization

  Tax collection

Intergovernmental Relations by Sector

  Aborigonal Affairs

  Communications, culture, parks and sports

  Domestic Economy


  Finance and Revenue

  Health and Social Programs

  Human Resources

  Immigration and Citizenship



  Justice, Public Security and Civil Emergency Preparedness

  Natural Resources

  Official Languages

  Technological Innovation

The Constitutional File and the Unity File

  The History of Canada's Constitutional Development

  Canadian Constitutional Debate: from Meech to Charlottetown

  Referenda Questions and Results

  Supreme Court Reference

  Clarity Act

Evolution of the Federation

  Acts establishing the provinces and territories of the Canadian federation

  Constitutional Laws of Canada

  Who Were the Fathers of Confederation?

  The Creation of Nunavut

Federations of the World

  Federations Maps and Fact Sheets

  Spending Power in Federal Systems

  Forum of Federations

Press Room


  Press Release

  Media Advisory

  Open Letters




Events Calendar

  Conferences on federalism

  Federal-Provincial-Territorial Conferences

Other Sites of Interest


Important Notices

Last Modified: 2006-01-26  Important Notices