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We’ve got some children we want you to meet!

The children in this bulletin are looking for adoptive families. Every one of them needs a home where they will be loved and supported.

If you want to open your heart and your home to any of these kids, or meet some other children who are available for adoption, talk to your adoption worker.

The children you are about to meet are only a few of British Columbia’s children who can’t wait to have a family.

New Profile Additions

The Ministry of Children and Family Development has several hundred children in its care who are waiting for a family to call their own.

Most of these children are between 4 and 10 years old, but some are younger and some are as old as 18. Some have special physical or medical needs, some have been exposed prenatally to alcohol and drugs, and some have suffered neglect or abuse. And many of these children come with family ties – as part of a sibling group.

All of these children are looking to be adopted into a stable family where they feel secure and are loved. There are many reasons why a child comes into the care of the Ministry, but the bottom line is all of these children need parents who will support them and care about their future.

When a child has special needs, the Ministry recognizes that a family who adopts that child may require extra support. The Post-adoption Assistance program under the Ministry of Children and Family Development can provide financial assistance for services related to the child’s specific needs, such as counselling, therapy, or corrective dental or medical expenses, as well as maintenance in some cases. To find out more about this program, please ask your adoption worker.

As well as the Ministry programs, there are other agencies offering support services to parents of adopted children. The Society of Special Needs Adoptive Parents (SNAP) and the Adoptive Families Association (AFA) are two of these organizations. Both offer parent support groups, publish newsletters, and provide a lending library on adoption and related issues. Ask your adoption worker for information on these and other resources.

Please note that this Bulletin provides social profiles of some of British Columbia’s waiting children. If you are interested in a particular child and would like more detailed information, contact your adoption social worker. Please remember that there are many other children who are not profiled in this Bulletin who also “can’t wait to have a family.”

And also please keep in mind as you look through these profiles that this bulletin is updated four times a year. Adoptive families may have already been found for some of the children and youth in this edition.

Every effort is made to place BC's waiting children within British Columbia. Placement out of the province is only considered when the prospective adoptive family is related to the child or already has a significant relationship with the child.

To protect the identity of the children featured in this bulletin, all names are pseudonyms.
Adoption Bulletin - Fall 2006 Edition
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