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Adoption Reunion Registry Ministry of Children & Family Development
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  British Columbia's Adoption Reunion Registry

Are you 19 or over and adopted in British Columbia? Are you wondering how to locate and contact your birth family? Have you relinquished a child in British Columbia and are now interested in having contact? Is the adoptee in question 19 or older? Bookmark this site now!

The Adoption Reunion Registry has a legislated mandate to provide search, intermediary and counselling services to those whose lives have been affected by a B.C. adoption. This website will tell you more about our services, outline step-by-step instructions for registering with us, and provide you with useful adoption-related information and links.

The Adoption Reunion Registry has been operated since 1991 and has helped thousands of clients.


Adoption Reunion Registry
PO Box 9705 Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9S1

Phone: (250) 387-3660
For toll free access within BC, call:
Enquiry BC at 1-800-663-7867 and
request a transfer to 387-3660
From Vancouver, call: Enquiry BC at 604-660-2421 and
request a transfer to 387-3660

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