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Middle East Special Initiatives
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Eileen Alma
Maurizio Iellina
Meaghen Simms

ID: 23263
Added: 2002-11-26 13:06
Modified: 2005-11-17 11:52
Refreshed: 2006-01-25 00:45

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Stocktaking II - Conference on Palestinian Refugee Research
Click here for information on this conference held in Ottawa, Canada from June 17-20, 2003

Middle East Special Initiatives

IDRC manages three Middle East special initiatives in partnership with the Canadian International Development Agency and Foreign Affairs Canada.  These three initiatives are located in IDRC's Special Initiatives Division.

  • Expert and Advisory Services Fund (EASF)
    The EASF supports research and capacity building for policy planning and coordination by Middle Eastern parties on the refugee issue as they seek to find and implement sustainable solutions to the refugee problem.
  • Scholarship Fund for Palestinian Refugee Women in Lebanon
    This Fund supports Palestinian refugee women in Lebanon with good academic standing whose social and economic circumstances would otherwise compel them to abandon their studies, in their pursuit of undergraduate university degrees.

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