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ID: 27300
Added: 2003-03-28 13:50
Modified: 2006-01-12 15:26
Refreshed: 2006-01-26 15:06

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Project Seahorse Director, Amanda Vincent, Wins Chevron Conservation AwardProject Seahorse Director, Amanda Vincent, Wins Chevron Conservation Award
Amanda Vincent, co-founder and director of the IDRC-supported Project Seahorse, has won a Chevron Conservation Award for her work dedicated to the protection of seahorses around the world.

Building Africa's Information Highway: African ISP Association Selects Regional CarriersBuilding Africa's Information Highway: African ISP Association Selects Regional Carriers
This spring, AfrISPA, the Association of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in Africa, announced the two successful bids in response to its call for proposals to provide direct Internet connections between African countries.

Tribute to Ivan Noble, BBC News Science WriterTribute to Ivan Noble, BBC News Science Writer

IDRC’s Regional office in Dakar, Senegal mourns the death of BBC News science writer Ivan Noble at 37.

Acacia Partner Garners Two Major ICT PrizesAcacia Partner Garners Two Major ICT Prizes
A leading-edge Senegalese business that provides local farmers with up-to-the-minute market prices for their crops through their portable telephones has just won two major African information and communication technology (ICT) awards.

Manobi-Senegal was named Most Innovative Company and was also selected the overall organizational winner at the African ICT Achievers Awards ceremony held in November in Johannesburg, South Africa. The awards are rated among sponsors and recipients as the African ICT sector's analogue to Hollywood's movie Oscars.

From Evidence to Action — Bridging Gaps in East Africa
Senior health experts from Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya agreed to set up a new Eastern African regional centre to translate health research into government action at a meeting in Bagamoyo, Tanzania, December 8. The new centre should help decode sometimes-arcane research results and translate them into formats that policymakers can use to make informed choices.

“We want to close the gap between research and the policies we create,” said the Permanent Secretary of Tanzania’s Ministry of Health, Mariam J. Mwaffisi. “We are going to think big, start small, and act now.”

Reporting the Israel-Palestine Conflict: A Photographer's StoryReporting the Israel-Palestine Conflict: A Photographer's Story
“What I fear most are checkpoints,” says Miki Kratsman, a photographer with the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz. “It doesn’t matter if it is an Israeli checkpoint or a Palestinian checkpoint. I just really get nervous.”

Speaking at “Crossing Perspectives of the Israel-Palestine Conflicts: two journalists from the Middle East speak out” a public presentation at the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), May 10, 2004, Kratsman spoke about the risks and importance of covering the Israel–Palestine conflict. The presentation, which screened photojournalist Patrick Chauvel’s latest documentary Mirrors of the War was co-sponsored by IDRC and the Canadian chapter of Reporters Without Borders (RWB).

New Publication Addresses the Impact of Economic Reforms on Women
Are levels of stress, anxiety, and the threat of violence reliable indicators of gender disparities? If so, how do you measure them? These are some of the questions addressed in the book, Tracking Gender Equity under Economic Reforms: Continuity and Change in South Asia, co-published by IDRC and Kali for Women.

Scholarship Fund for Palestinian Refugee Women in Lebanon
Twenty-two young Palestinian refugee women living in Lebanon will undertake undergraduate university studies as a result of a unique scholarship fund. This fund will enable these young women to study subjects such as medicine, biology, chemistry, engineering, business administration, mathematics, and science.

Champion of Morocco’s Argan Tree Nominated for Prestigious Award
Zoubida Charrouf, professor in the Faculty of Sciences of the Université Mohammed V-Agdal in Rabat, Morocco, has been nominated for the country’s Khmissa 2004 prize for social action and development. Charrouf was named for her work in establishing women’s argan oil processing cooperatives in a poor arid region in south-west Morocco, near Agadir.

Recognition and Respect for African Traditional MedicineRecognition and Respect for African Traditional Medicine
The great majority of Africans routinely use the services of traditional healers for primary health care. Recognizing that traditional medicine is “the most affordable and accessible system of health care for the majority of the African rural population,” the Organization for African Unity (now the African Union) declared 2001-2010 to be the Decade for African Traditional Medicine. It is but one recent initiative to valorize this essential health care system, as participants at the International Symposium on Biodiversity and Health discovered.

Medicinal Plant Potential and Profits in Latin AmericaMedicinal Plant Potential and Profits in Latin America
Latin America is one of the richest regions of the world in terms of biological diversity. Even Panama, one of the smallest countries in the region, has more than 10 000 plant species, while, to the north Mexico boasts more than 21 000 plant species. This abundance of flora means that the region is a storehouse of medicinal plants and traditional knowledge. How best to conserve, study, and manage that unique resource was discussed at the International Symposium on Biodiversity and Health, held in Ottawa in October 2003.

Call for Proposals: Research for International Tobacco Control

Research for International Tobacco Control (RITC) is pleased to announce a new small grants competition on the theme "Research to Support and Inform Ratification, Implementation, and/or Enforcement of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)". Funding for the competition is provided by the Canadian Tobacco Control Research Initiative (CTCRI) and the American Cancer Society. The competition is administered by RITC. The deadline for receipt of applications is January 30, 2004. Interested applicants are invited to consult RITC's Web site for more information.

Telecentres: A One-Stop Communication Shop
Ask anyone in the town of Manhiça where the telecentre is and they can easily point the way: along the main street, past the general store, down the alleyway next to the evangelical church. The telecentre is also a well-known landmark among rural dwellers that make up the majority of the 130 000 inhabitants of Manhiça district. Some of these come from as far afield as 30 kilometres to use the telecentre. One of the reasons for its popularity, claims its 22-year old manager Samo Soares, are the fees charged for two of its most popular services: photocopying and the public telephone.

A New Window on the World for Women
Making telecentres relevant to women is the aim of Mozambique's Forum Mulher. Examining how information and communication technologies (ICTs) might improve women's lives is just one of the programs supported by this national umbrella group of some 60 women's organizations. In both Manhiça and Namaacha, they funded a two-week computer-training course to teach women how to use a computer, email, and the Internet.

Forum on ICTs and Gender
The Forum on ICTs and Gender: Optimizing Opportunities recently held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia strove to promote greater awareness of the gender-related barriers that exist in developing and developed countries around the world. More than 300 participants from 61 countries — representing all continents — participated in the meeting. The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) sponsored a dozen Latin American, Asian, and African information and communication technologies (ICTs) activists as participants.

Digital Review of Asia Pacific
The Digital Review of Asia Pacific 2003-2004 has recently been launched. This publication provides a comprehensive review of the way in which information and communication technologies (ICTs) are being used across the Asia-Pacific region to support the socioeconomic development of the region’s countries and territories. The 2003-2004 edition was launched to coincide with the third preparatory committee meeting of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) that was held in Geneva from September 15 to 26.

Ecosystems Research Yields Surprising Results
When researchers probing two well-known health problems in different parts of the developing world unearthed surprising results, a new approach to problem-solving — the ecosystems approach — led them far beyond usual solutions, an international conference sponsored by Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) heard May 20.

Going from Research to Policy with an Ecosystems Approach
D.D. Joshi laboured 10 years to convince Nepal’s parliamentarians to adopt a law governing how food animals were slaughtered. One of the sticking points was the fact that the proposed new rules would allow female animals to be eaten — a commonplace practice for years but one that was actually outlawed in the country’s religious-based National Code.

New Book Depicts Pervasive Gender Inequality
Despite decades of gender research and advocacy, policymakers continue to operate with the notion of the ‘male breadwinner’ in the developing world. This is what a new book, launched to mark International Women’s Day, March 8, demonstrates.

Communities Act on Global EnvironmentCommunities Act on Global Environment
In the Canadian city of Hamilton-Wentworth, citizen groups and planners put together an environmental scorecard the city uses to tally whether its sustainability is improving. Half a world away, in Jinja, Uganda, the focus was on decentralizing a top-heavy local political system, to make it easier to improve local services, to protect and improve the city’s environment and surroundings. Both were pilot projects in the Model Communities Program, started nearly a decade ago by the Toronto-based International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), and funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). In all, the four-year pilot program supported 14 communities in 12 countries across Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom. These pilots taught ICLEI the lessons it has since passed on to thousands of other municipalities, through its Local Agenda 21 (LA21) initiative.

Call for Proposals: Research on Knowledge Systems
The Research on Knowledge Systems (RoKS) exploratory initiative of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is launching its second annual research competition (2002-2003). This year's theme is "Strengthening Knowledge Policy for Small States: How can small states participate more effectively in local, regional, and global knowledge partnerships?"

Call for Proposals: Information and Communication Technologies Research and Development
The Pan Asia Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Research and Development (R&D;) Grants Program promotes an R&D; environment for Internet-based applications, systems, and policy research in the Asia-Pacific region. The program is pleased to announce the January 2003 competition round for R&D; grant applications.

A Unique Tool for Analyzing Poverty

A special software program developed by Dr Abdelkrim Araar of the Centre de Recherche en Économie et en Finance Appliquées (CRÉFA) at Laval University in Québec and his colleagues Jean-Yves Duclos and Carl Fortin facilitates the analysis and comparison of social welfare, inequality, poverty, and equity between groups with different standards of living. Called Distributive Analysis – Analyse Distributive (DAD), the software was developed specifically for this purpose, as part of the IDRC-supported Micro Impacts of Macroeconomic and Adjustment Policies (MIMAP) program.

A New Research Network

On November 13, 2002, Laval University in Québec, announced the launch of a new research network, Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP). PEP is comprised of three sub-networks on modeling and policy impact analysis (MPIA); poverty measurement, monitoring and analysis (PMMA); and community-based monitoring systems (CBMS).

Call for Proposals: Research on Economic Policy and Poverty
The Poverty and Economic Policy (PEP) Research Network announces its first call for proposals. Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals related to either of the following two research areas: poverty monitoring, measurement, and analysis; and economic modeling and policy impact analysis. Applications must be received by December 31, 2002.

Call for Proposals: Urban Agriculture
The AGROPOLIS — International Graduate Research Awards Program, launched by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in 1998 supports innovative master's and doctoral level research in urban agriculture. Up to 14 awards are granted annually, at least 5 of them at the master's level. AGROPOLIS covers field research expenses up to CA $20,000 a year, for periods ranging from 3 to 12 months. The deadline for proposals is January 31, 2003.

Malaria Fighters Honoured
Two Mexican scientists supported by IDRC were honoured this week for their work to fight malaria. Mario Henry Rodríguez, and Juan Eugenio Hernández Avila, both from the Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública (the National Institute of Public Health), were awarded the Jorge Rosenkranz Award 2002 in the area of epidemiology.

CALL FOR PROPOSALS — Stigma and Global Health
Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are calling on researchers to submit proposals for their joint funding program in stigma and global health.

Online library network nets e-Award
A project aimed at linking knowledge and resources between Indonesian libraries has won the Indonesia Infocosm Business Community (i2bc) e-Award 2002, which honours companies, organizations and institutions that have a positive impact on the information development of Indonesia.

Farmer to Farmer: A Dialogue on the Future of Agriculture
The land they work may be on different continents, but the future prospects for Canadian and South Asian farmers may not be as far apart as conventional wisdom would have us believe. Farmers from South Asia and Canada will work together to develop a common vision on the future face of agriculture that they plan to present to the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements' (IFOAM) 2002 Organic World Congress to be held in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS — Global Health Research Program Development and Planning Grants
Applications are invited from health researchers in Canada, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean for the first Global Health Research Program Development and Planning Grants. Registration deadline for the intent to apply: September 1, 2002.

Equator Initiative: A Worldwide Movement to Alleviate Poverty and Sustain Biodiversity
Community-based initiatives to protect marine resources in Fiji, conserve medicinal plants in India, and support ecotourism in Kenya — what do these programs have in common? They all fulfill the objectives of the Equator Initiative: alleviating poverty while sustaining biodiversity.

Attention former awardees !
Did you receive an award from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)? If so, IDRC would like to hear from you!

Call for Proposals: Information and Communication Technologies Research and Development
A research and development grants program for Asia-Pacific organizations has been established with support from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). The grants program supports applied research to find solutions to development problems in Asia-Pacific related to information and communication technologies (ICTs). The deadline for applications for this year’s program is July 15, 2002.

Global Information Network on Medicinal Plants launches website
MEDPLANT the Global Information Network on Medicinal Plants was created in 1999 as a support to the existing medicinal plant networks. Over the last several months MEDPLANT has been working with its partners to develop a communication tool for sharing information and facilitating discussions. Thanks to support from IDRC and Bellanet, MEDPLANT is proud to announce the creation of an interactive website at

Awards to showcase successful and innovative partnerships in sustainable development
In support of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa from August 26-September 4, 2002, IDRC is partnering with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the UN Foundation, and Environment Canada to showcase highly successful and innovative partnerships in sustainable development through the Equator Initiative. The Equator Initiative seeks to promote a worldwide movement to reduce poverty and conserve biodiversity through the recognition of local achievements, the fostering of South-South capacity building, and by contributing to the generation and sharing of knowledge. Please forward this information to any groups/communities you think might be interested.

CALL FOR PROPOSALS Public and Private Sector Support to Research: Changing Roles and Policy Responses
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is launching a competition to support research on the changing balance between public and private sector funding of research, and its implications for developing country governments and research institutions. The competition is open to researchers throughout the developing world, and will award up to seven grants, with a maximum value of CA $80,000 each. Applications must be submitted by March 29, 2002, with final selection of grants to be completed by April 30, 2002. For more information and to download a complete application kit, click on:

Competition: Gender, Globalization, and Land Tenure
The Gender Unit at IDRC has launched a call for proposals from developing country researchers interested in exploring the issues of gender, globalization, and land tenure. The competition aims to encourage cutting-edge research that will illuminate the role of gender in natural resource management. Information and application forms are available at

First-ever study provides reliable statistics for addressing health care problems in the South
For the first time, donors and developing countries have a source of critical and accurate information for formulating better health policies, thanks to a study released today during a conference taking place this week at the Ghion Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The study -- the first in a series produced by the international network INDEPTH -- fills a void in health care planning where statistical models are used as substitutes for real data. More details at:

Coalition to address global health problems
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and three other Canadian government organizations have joined forces to address the problems of global health.

New website offers a Southern perspective on science and technology
A new website dedicated to science, technology, and development was launched in London, UK on Dec. 3, 2001

An ICT Grants Program for the Asia-Pacific
A research and development grants program for Asia-Pacific organizations has been established with support from IDRC. It supports applied research to find solutions to development problems in Asia-Pacific related to information and communications technologies (ICTs).

Special Presentation: New Approaches to International Donor Assistance
"I want to talk this evening about the challenges of economic development, and particularly in the context in which we live – that is in the context of globalization. I would like us to understand globalization in a bit more unblinkered manner than I think we do."

In Search of the Mythical Policymaker
Ajaya Dixit, of the Nepal Water Conservation Foundation, is part of a local water management project involving India and Nepal, supported by IDRC. This three-year project, now in its second phase, began in 2000. The project examines small-scale, local solutions to water scarcity, taking a community-based approach to natural resources management. In this interview, Mr Dixit speaks about how his team views the dynamics involved in influencing water policy in South Asia.

Traditional Medicine in Africa
The high cost of Western pharmaceuticals puts modern health care services out of the reach of a large percentage of Africa’s population, especially those living in rural areas. Instead, they rely on traditional medicine and medicinal plants to meet their health care needs. In Sub-Saharan Africa, for instance, more than 80 percent of the population relies on medicinal plants and traditional medicine as their primary source of health care.

Highlighting the Plight of Fishing Communities in Asia and CanadaHighlighting the Plight of Fishing Communities in Asia and Canada
"At first glance, Asia may seem a long way from Canada, but when we look more closely, we find that there are a great many similarities between these two parts of the world," says Dominic Morissette, a professional photographer. Since 1998, he and his partner, Catherine Pappas, have been scouring the coastal areas of Canada, India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan
for new material. "Fishermen here face the same problems as those in Asia — shortage of fish stocks, overfishing, or difficulties in organizing and defending their interests."

Prioritizing International Health: The Global Forum for Health ResearchPrioritizing International Health: The Global Forum for Health Research
The Global Forum for Health Research is forging partnerships with public and private sector agencies to focus health research spending on the world's most devastating diseases. The Forum was launched to help correct the "10/90 gap" in health research. At least US$70 billion is spent annually on global health research by public and private sectors. But less than 10% of this amount is devoted to addressing 90% of the total global disease burden, explains Louis Currat, the Forum's Executive Secretary.

<i>Agenda: Perú</i> — Charting a Shared National Vision for the FutureAgenda: Perú — Charting a Shared National Vision for the Future
IDRC governor Francisco Sagasti and his colleague, Max Hernández, a psychoanalyst and historian, have laboured since the early 1990s to articulate a shared vision of Peru's future that provides some needed direction for the impoverished country. The results of their project, Agenda: Perú, were summarized in a 350-page synthesis report published last year, and serve as an important backdrop for the current presidential campaign.

Call for Abstracts: Second International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection
The Second International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection will be held from July 15-20, 2001 at the Hotel Newfoundland in St. John's, Newfoundland. The deadline for 300-word abstracts is September 1, 2000.

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