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Zsofia Orosz
Céline Corsius
Catherine Kilelu
Nicolina Farella
Reema Singh
Michelle Osborne
Carole Laplante
Aftab Erfan

ID: 5035
Added: 2002-07-03 10:29
Modified: 2006-01-30 16:22
Refreshed: 2006-01-30 16:32

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Winning Porposals for West Africa

Sanitation management in an urban ecosystem in Yaoundé, Cameroon, and the impacts on the health of children under 5

Development of strategies to reduce the health risks for human populations due to small dams in West Africa: the case of the Yatenga dam in Burkina Faso

Applying the Eco-health Approach to the Management of Malaria and Gastro-intestinal Tract Infections in Nigeria

Winning Proposals for Central America and the Caribbean

An Ecosystem Approach to Human Health for the Prevention of Dengue in Havana City, Cuba

Development and Validation of a Community-Based Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Dengue and Diarrhea in Urban Ecosystems of the Guatemala - Mexico Border.

Control and Prevention of Chagas' Disease among the Lenca (Honduras)

Winning Proposals for Middle East and North Africa

Development of Health Interventions for El-Faiyoum: A Holistic Agro-ecosystem Approach

Assessment of the impact of the use of wastewater in agriculture on the ecosystem and human health in the community of Mzamza Settat, Morocco

Ecosystem Approach to Human Health Improvement in the North Jordan Valley. Jordanian University of Science and Technology, Jordan

Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health Regional Funds

A partnership between IDRC-UNF-UNEP-WHO-Ford Foundation-CSRS

The ecosystem approach to human health (Ecohealth) offers a unique opportunity to promote human health through a more judicious management of the ecosystems. The ecological approach to human health highlights the complexity of the links between the different determinants of health, arising not only from the behaviour of the individual but also from the quality of their living and working environments. One important advantage of the Ecohealth approach is that it encourages a much broader concept of disease prevention and health promotion.

The program supports regional, field level activities using the Ecohealth approach in the Middle East and North Africa, Central America and the Caribbean, and West Africa, and Ecohealth's global policy application and dissemination. Activities supported by the competitive grants will generate new knowledge and record local knowledge about key health determinants found in the ecosystem. A flagship event in the Spring of 2003, will bring the community-level activities to a global Forum on Ecohealth, at Montreal, to promote exchange of information and experiences between practitioners and policy makers. Further, a web-based network, to promote learning, knowledge sharing and scaling up opportunities, will be developed.

The objectives of the project are: To create and/or reinforce the capacities of multi-sectoral teams to implement applied field projects using an Ecohealth framework. To actively involve various levels of policy and decision-makers in order to ensure that the knowledge gained is replicated, scaled-up and institutionalized, through workshops and the flagship event, Global Forum 2003.

Winning Proposals

Middle East and North Africa

Development of Health Interventions in El-Faiyoum: A Holistic Agro-ecosystem Approach. University of Alexandria, Egypt.

Évaluation de l’impact de l’utilisation des eaux usées en agriculture sur l’écosystème et la santé de la communauté des Mzamza Settat – Maroc. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique.

Ecosystem Approach to Human Health Improvement in the North Jordan Valley. Jordanian University of Science and Technology, Jordan. 

West Africa

Élaboration des stratégies de réduction des risques de maladie diarrhéiques pour les populations humaines dus aux petits barrages en Afrique de l’Ouest: Cas du barrage de Yitenga au Burkina Faso. École inter-états d’ingénieurs de l’équipement rural, Burkina Faso.

Maîtrise de l’assainissement dans un écosystème urbain à Yaoundé au Cameroun et impacts sur la santé des enfant ages de moins de cinq ans. École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique, Cameroun.

Applying the Eco-health Approach to the Management of Gastro-intestinal Tract Infections in Nigeria. CASSAD, Nigeria. 

Central America and the Caribbean

An ecosystem approach to human health for the prevention of Dengue. Havana City, Cuba. INHEM and IPK, Cuba.

Development And Validation Of A Community-Based Strategy For The Prevention And Control Of Dengue And Diarrhea In Urban Ecosystems Of The Guatemala - Mexico Border. INCAP-Guatemala in collaboration with Centro de Investigación de Paludismo de Chiapas, Mexico.

Control and Prevention of Chagas' Disease among the Lenca (Honduras). Visión Mundial Honduras

Eastern and Southern Africa

A prospective ecosystem based case study to determine the influence of vlei irrigation on malaria transmission: An opportunity for formulating an appropriate malaria control strategy.  University Lake Kariba Research Station (Zimbabwe).

Assessing the impact of agriculture practices on malaria through an ecosystem-health approach: The link between changing livestock management practices and increased risk of malaria in Nyabushozi County, Mbarara District, Uganda.  The Livestock Health Research Institute , Tororo, Uganda.


Ecohealth Forum Presentation by Proposal Winning Team Member Dulce Maria Bustamante Zamora 2003-05-19
Diminution of the intradomestic reinfestation by Triatoma dimidiata in Guatemala, through an integrated control based on an ecosystem approach Open file

Ecohealth Forum Presentation by Proposal Winning Team Member Dr. S. Yonkeu 2003-05-19
Processus de conception du projet: stratégies de réduction des risques de maladies diarrhéiques pour les populations humaines dus au barrage de Yitenga au Burkina Faso Open file

Ecosystems Approaches to Human Health, Building Research Capacity through Innovative Partnerships Jean Lebel
World Summit on Sustainable Development at Johannesburg, South Africa, August 2002: World Health Organisation Side Event on Health and Sustainable Development, 31 August, 2002 Open file


International Forum on Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health
The Ecohealth Forum will be held in Montréal, Canada from May 18 to 23, 2003.

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