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Silvia Caicedo
Aida Sullivan

ID: 84612
Added: 2005-07-06 10:38
Modified: 2005-07-06 10:41
Refreshed: 2006-01-25 00:45

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About us

Bellanet promotes and facilitates effective collaboration within the international community, especially through the use of ICTs.

Program Overview

International development practices are complex and require openness, flexibility and the ability to work in partnership with others. Bellanet aims to support effective development practice by sharing its expertise in information and communication technologies as well as its skills in facilitating organizational learning and the sharing of knowledge.

While Bellanet does not offer grants or loans, it delivers its program through three main Program Lines: Online Communities, Knowledge Sharing and Open Development. Together they represent key approaches to building institutional and individual collaboration skills and maximizing the potential of ICTs to support collaborative development work.

In addition to delivering programming through three main Program Lines, three important crosscutting areas are considered and woven into all aspects of Bellanet's work: Gender Equality, Capacity Development, and Monitoring and Evaluation.

Program Lines

Online Communities
One of the most important ingredients for improving collaboration in international development is dialogue. Effective collaboration greatly depends on open and ongoing communication among partners about their experiences, initiatives and areas of expertise. Bellanet's Online Communities Program Line serves the fundamental need for communication through effective facilitation. Communication needs are also met through ICT platforms for collaboration.

Knowledge Sharing
Effective collaboration also requires the capacity to adapt to a complex and rapidly changing environment. The Knowledge Sharing Program Line recognizes that much of the knowledge, value added, and adaptive capacity of organizations lies with people. A learning organization supports the sharing of ideas and networking among its people, rather than investing only in sophisticated technologies to manage knowledge.

Open Development
Bellanet's third Program Line is Open Development, which seeks to provide organizations with the means to operate in an open collaborative manner. In this domain, Bellanet explores the potential of Open Source software; Open Standards for equitable and sustainable information sharing; and Open Content, to ensure the wide distribution of information without compromising intellectual property rights of its creators.

Crosscutting Areas

When planning and implementing projects within all three program lines, Bellanet considers the following three crosscutting issues:
Sustainable development processes require the equal participation of women and men. That is why it is particularly crucial to understand gender relations in order to address issues of inequality. In recognition of this, Bellanet includes considerations of Gender Equality in the planning and implementation of all programs and projects.

With the desire to grow, and empower others to grow, comes the need to provide development actors with the opportunities to increase their capacity to make effective use of new knowlege and ICTs for their work. Bellanet's crosscutting issue Capacity Development meets this objective and grows out of the Access and Training Program Line.

As we are at all times concerned with the overall effectiveness of our activities, we regularly evaluate Bellanet`s programs and the processes through which they are delivered. The goal of this regular, ongoing assessment is to learn from experience in order to improve. This systematic practice of Monitoring and Evaluation is an integral part of all program lines.

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