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ID: 64410
Added: 2004-08-26 10:49
Modified: 2005-08-26 7:32
Refreshed: 2006-01-25 16:02

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Governance, Equity, and Health
The Governance, Equity, and Health (GEH) Program Initiative works toward the goal of an equitable, fair, and just provision of public services in developing countries.

A newsletter of the IDRC/MOH Tanzania Essential Health Intervention Project

TEHIP News No. 6 (January 2003)

TEHIP News No. 8 (December 2003)

The lessons: overview (slide show)
The lessons: overview (slide show)

In_Focus: FIXING HEALTH SYSTEMSDon de Savigny, Harun Kasale, Conrad Mbuya, and Graham Reid


The Honourable Anna Abdallah on Diseases Without Borders: An Economic Struggle?
Speech given by the Honourable Anna Abdallah, Minister of Health for Tanzania, at the Conference of Montréal's CIDA / IDRC International Forum Diseases Without Borders: An Economic Struggle?, on May 8, 2003.

THE LESSONS: Fixing Health Systems


Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) to Invest CA $7 Million in IDRC Project 2005-11
IDRC welcomes the announcement that CIDA will invest CA $7 million over three years to build on the results of the Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Project (TEHIP).

Commission for Africa releases its final report, mentions an IDRC project 2005-03
On the occasion of the release of the Commission for Africa's final report, IDRC highlights some of its activities in the continent.

Turning health research into action 2005-01-26
"The difficulty in translating knowledge gained by health research into actual practices in communities and into government policies is stymieing efforts to achieve healthy populations in developing countries . "  Debra Anthony reports from the November 2004 Global Forum for Health Research in Mexico City.

Canadian project halves Tanzania's child deaths - TEHIP graces front page of the Globe and Mail 2005-01-24

From Evidence to Action — Bridging Gaps in East Africa 2004-12-17
Senior health experts from Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya agreed to set up a new Eastern African regional centre to translate health research into government action at a meeting in Bagamoyo, Tanzania, December 8. The new centre should help decode sometimes-arcane research results and translate them into formats that policymakers can use to make informed choices.

“We want to close the gap between research and the policies we create,” said the Permanent Secretary of Tanzania’s Ministry of Health, Mariam J. Mwaffisi. “We are going to think big, start small, and act now.”

TEHIP in the News - "Health systems: orphan of research" 2004-11-18 Highlights the Success of TEHIP 2004-11-13
On November 13th, the online health journal gave favourable coverage of IDRC's latest IN_FOCUS publication Fixing Health Systems.

CBC Radio Airs TEHIP Commentary 2004-11-08

Child Mortality Rates Decrease Dramatically in Tanzania 2004-10-25

Child mortality rates in two large rural districts of Tanzania have fallen by more than 40 per cent over five years. This dramatic improvement is the result of a unique decade-long project carried out by a team of Canadian and Tanzanian researchers and health workers. The book “Fixing Health Systems,” to be launched tomorrow in Ottawa, describes how the Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Project (TEHIP) has dramatically improved people’s health in one of the world’s poorest countries.

Infant mortality rates drop again 2004-04-28

The latest statistics show that the mortality of children under the age of five has dropped by 43% in Morogoro District between 1997 and 2003 and by 46% in Rufiji District between 2000 and 2003.  These impressive gains come in the two districts where TEHIP has helped to improve local health care planning.

Making Plans for Success — The Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Project 2003-10-30
Fewer children are dying in Morogoro District in Tanzania  — the result of significant improvements in local health care. Morogoro is one of two districts that are the testing ground for the Tanzania Essential Health Interventions Project (TEHIP). This research and development partnership between the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Tanzania Ministry of Health has been piloting innovations in health planning, priority setting, and resource allocation. As the successful project comes to an end, the Tanzanian government is now taking steps to apply TEHIP’s lessons to the rest of the country.


Tanzania gaining in the war against malaria@ 2005-05-01
Ottawa Citizen, May 1 ─ Letter-to-the-Editor by IDRC President Maureen O'Neil
"Alexander Soucy is correct to identify insecticide-treated bednets and inexpensive anti-malarial drugs as crucial to the global fight against malaria" (‘An easy way to save three million lives,’ April 26).

The TEHIP ‘Spark’: Planning and Managing Health Resources at the District Level@ Stephanie Neilson and Terry Smutylo 2004-04-22
A case study by IDRC’s Evaluation Unit details how TEHIP has influenced public policy and decision-making in Tanzania’s health sector. The study also illustrates some of the challenges associated with sustaining the project’s achievements. Open file

FIXING HEALTH SYSTEMS / Executive Summary 2004

FIXING HEALTH SYSTEMS / 4. Extending TEHIP's innovation and impact@ 2004
The two districts' success in substantially lowering mortality demands that the tools for achieving that success be disseminated more widely, both within Tanzania and internationally. This section of the book documents current efforts to extend the impact of the TEHIP innovations.

FIXING HEALTH SYSTEMS / 5. Lessons learned@ 2004
The primary lesson arising from the TEHIP experience is that investing in health systems is an effective way of improving population health. This chapter presents the critical lessons learned from the TEHIP experience.
General principles

FIXING HEALTH SYSTEMS / Appendix 3. Sources and resources@ 2004

FIXING HEALTH SYSTEMS / Swahili Executive Summary 2004

For 80 cents more@ 2002-08-15
The Economist
"Even a tiny health budget, if spent well, can make a difference"

TEHIP Collaborations@ 2001


Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 83(8), August 2005
Special themes include health information systems and the importance of good data for poverty reduction.

ODI: RAPID Lessons - TEHIP Case Study
Research-Policy Case Study

Report of the Task Force on Health Systems Research
"The Millennium Development Goals will not be attained without new research addressing health system constraints to delivering effective interventions."

Strengthening the quality and use of data in Africa
TEHIP impact is cited in this background paper from the Commission for Africa.

UN Millennium Project: Task Force on Child Health and Maternal Health
"...Recent evaluations of the Integrated Management of Childhood Ilness (IMCI) strategy supported by the World Health Organization and UNICEF and implemented widely throughout the world have indicated that good results are obtained only when health systems are strong."
Read more...@

UN Millennium Project: Task Force on HIV/AIDS, Malaria, TB, and Access to Essential Medicines, Working Group on Malaria
"...systemic interventions that strenghten health systems to do a better job delivering key health interventions can significantly contribue to the Millennium Development Goal progress... (pp. 47-49)"
Read more...@

Managers taking Action based on Knowledge and Effective use of resources to achieve Results

WHO`s World Report on Knowledge for Better Health highlights IDRC`s project in Tanzania called the Tanzanian Essential Health Interventions Project (TEHIP)
TEHIP cited in WHO report for its impressive results in health reform

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