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ID: 1418
Added: 2002-05-14 12:48
Modified: 2006-01-25 9:40
Refreshed: 2006-01-25 20:45

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Commentaries / Opinions


Tanzania gaining in the war against malaria 2005-05-01
Ottawa Citizen, May 1 ─ Letter-to-the-Editor by IDRC President Maureen O'Neil
"Alexander Soucy is correct to identify insecticide-treated bednets and inexpensive anti-malarial drugs as crucial to the global fight against malaria" (‘An easy way to save three million lives,’ April 26).

Malaria - Africa's Silent Tsunami 2005-04-29
Commentary by Dr Don de Savigny
The world’s passion to help those in distress was justifiably roused following the Indian Ocean tsunami.  Less well known is the continuous “silent tsunami” of malaria in Africa that takes more than 1.5 million lives per year, mostly young children and pregnant women.

The global battle to butt out 2005-03-07
GlobeAndMail.Com, March 7 ─ Op-ed by Dr Linda Waverley
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently enacted its first global treaty to address a health issue. The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), designed to reduce the devastating health and economic impacts of tobacco use throughout the world, became part of international law on February 27, a historic day for global public health. Its provisions are now legally binding for more than 40 countries, including Canada.

Can The Gambia benefit?
Basil Jones 2005-01-07
A commentary written by IDRC's Basil Jones.

Viewpoint—NEPAD 2002-11-29
With its declaration of African leadership and responsibility, the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) represents radical progress, asserts Constance Freeman. The Regional Director of IDRC's office in Nairobi, Kenya calls on Canada and other countries to support the plan.

To Have and To Have Not Federico Burone 2002-07-31
(appeared in the Globe and Mail July 2, 2002) - At first glance, Canadian cities and their counterparts in Latin America have little in common. While Canadians worry about sprawl and the drain of resources from the inner city to the new suburbs, many Latin American countries wonder how to provide even basic services for these new, marginal communities, and how to integrate the incoming population into the existing urban culture.

Fighting Poverty in Developing Countries: Should the Focus be on Households or Women? Luc Savard, Anyck Dauphin, Marie-Claude Martin and Dr. Randy Spence 2002-07-04
Recent research into decision-making in households has produced some relevant ­ and surprising ­ findings with respect to the fight against poverty. Studies show that in developing countries the greater a woman contributes to household income, the more money is spent on food and childcare and the less is spent on alcohol and tobacco. These findings have several implications for the fight against poverty.

Conflict Diamonds: Unfinished Business Ian Smillie 2002-05-27
Just a few short years ago the world was shocked to learn of the role that diamonds were playing in the funding of wars that have killed millions in African nations. In 2000, some 37 countries came together to try and create a an international certification system for rough diamonds. The end result was the Kimberly Process which is meant to resolve the issues that allowed such atrocities to occur. But is it enough?
Ian Smillie, an expert on conflict diamonds and the wars that they fund, explains why a missing provision of the highly-touted Kimberly Process makes it weaker than any other international agreement of the past decade.

We May Need a New Definition of "Research Excellence" Maureen O’Neil 2002-04-24
The new research environment in Canada offers the opportunity to consider research for development, not as charity, but as essential to the creation of critical knowledge to benefit Canadians and those struggling with economic, health and environmental impediments to development.

Mountain Prophecies Hans Schreier 2002-03-04
Looking to the mountains may give us an early indication of what's in store for the entire planet.
For many people, the United Nations' designation of 2002 as the International Year of Mountains may seem an unlikely choice. After all, 60 per cent of the world's population lives within 500 km of a coastline. That suggests it might be more sensible to cast our collective gaze towards the world's coasts rather than skyward to those rocky peaks.

Tobacco Marketing -- It's All Smoke and Mirrors Linda Waverley Brigden 2002-01-31
Recent recommendations by the Ministerial Advisory Council on Tobacco Control in Canada regarding the use of descriptors such a "light" and "mild" on cigarette packages are one more reminder of the tobacco industry's deception in marketing its potentially lethal product. What about the rest of the world? The majority of third world countries have very limited laws to control tobacco and the marketing of tobacco products in many of these countries is reprehensible.

In a Bookless Society, Why Start With Books? Richard Fuchs 2001-09-10
At a Glance: Africa is entering its very own “Information Revolution”. More and more international development assistance is coming to understand that wealth, both the social and economic varieties, have something to do with information and communications. Information because it improves decision making. Communications because it accelerates decision making. Together they help to build networks that serve as channels of social and economic opportunity.

Preventing Other "Walkertons" David B. Brooks and Mark Winfield
The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the year 2003 as the International Year of Freshwater. This is a good opportunity to reflect on this precious resource too often taken for granted by most of us. What lessons can we draw from the fatal mismanagement of the water supply in Walkerton, Ontario (Canada)? Do we simply centralize the control of drinking water back in provincial hands? Or do we endow local communities with more power over their own water management?...

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